Why you must chew food properly? Because of these health benefits that can't be ignored.
Chewing, or mastication, helps break down the food into smaller particles, which further gets mixed with the saliva and passes to the stomach for further processing.
Should we really be chewing our food 32 times, once for every tooth? This quote sustains even today, leaving countless people baffled. We crack it down.
A YouTuber is going viral after she recorded videos of herself chewing food. Wondering why? Read on to know all about it!
By paying more attention to how we chew our food, we can not only prevent common digestive issues like acidity but also enhance our overall health and well-being.
Do you have a habit of eating too fast or watching your favourite show while having your meals? Here are 5 such habits that could be messing with your health and how you can fix ...
Understanding whether you're truly hungry or not involves a delicate balance of physical cues, emotional states, and habitual behaviours.