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Coughing - 155 News Result(s)
  • 6 Best Home Remedies for Cough to Give You Instant Relief
    6 Best Home Remedies for Cough to Give You Instant Relief

    Cough is a common reflex action that occurs when foreign irritants drain down the back of the throat. Before you reach out for pills, try these six effective home remedies.

  • Have A Seasonal Flu? Soothe Your Throat With These Homemade Cough Drops
    Have A Seasonal Flu? Soothe Your Throat With These Homemade Cough Drops

    As the season changes, we might face the regular cold and cough, which can be challenging to deal with. So, if you are looking for a way to soothe your symptoms, try these homemade cough ...

  • Candy Or Cure? 3 DIY Cough Drops So Tasty You Won't Believe They're Good For You
    Candy Or Cure? 3 DIY Cough Drops So Tasty You Won't Believe They're Good For You

    Cough drops are also known as throat lozenges, cough sweets, troches, cachous, or pastilles.

  • From Kadha To Ginger Drops, 5 Home Remedies For Cough You May Try This Monsoon
    From Kadha To Ginger Drops, 5 Home Remedies For Cough You May Try This Monsoon

    With the monsoon in full swing, try these easy home remedies for cough that you can try before it's too late.

  • Dealing With Persistent Cough? Stop Making These 5 Diet Mistakes
    Dealing With Persistent Cough? Stop Making These 5 Diet Mistakes

    Persistent Cough: Yes, some diet mistakes can hamper your journey to recovery from cough. Read on to check if you are making these mistakes, and STOP!

  • Homemade Ginger Cough Drops In 10 Mins - You Just Need 2 Ingredients
    Homemade Ginger Cough Drops In 10 Mins - You Just Need 2 Ingredients

    Natural Cough Remedy: So, the next time you feel a cough coming on, skip the pharmacy and try this quick, two-ingredient recipe.

  • Home Remedies: 7 Easily Available Spices That Help Fight Cold And Cough
    Home Remedies: 7 Easily Available Spices That Help Fight Cold And Cough

    Down with cold and cough? Fret not, we have found 7 spices that may provide relief from cough and cold.

  • This One Ingredient Is Perfect For Curing Dry Cough
    This One Ingredient Is Perfect For Curing Dry Cough

    Some natural home treatments can reduce the frequency of coughing and can soothe throat soreness and irritation. One of the best home remedies is drinking tulsi tea every day

  • Is It Safe To Give Honey To Infants To Relieve Cough? Here's The Answer
    Is It Safe To Give Honey To Infants To Relieve Cough? Here's The Answer

    One of the most common remedies for cough in traditional households is giving baby small amount of honey. Let's look at what our experts have to say.

  • Dietitian Suggests Home Remedies To Prevent Cold And Cough In Winter
    Dietitian Suggests Home Remedies To Prevent Cold And Cough In Winter

    These home remedies may help you to recover faster and may also help to prevent cold and cough, naturally.

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