Food Awards

Cucumber raita

'Cucumber Raita' - 7 New Result(s)
  • Pahadi-Style Cucumber Raita Recipe: The Delicious And Effective Way To Shed Kilos
    Pahadi-Style Cucumber Raita Recipe: The Delicious And Effective Way To Shed Kilos

    Pahadi Cucumber Raita Recipe: Bored of having plain raita? It's time to spice things up a little and give this pahadi-style cucumber raita a try.

  • Summer-Special Cucumber Raita May Help You Lose Weight Too
    Summer-Special Cucumber Raita May Help You Lose Weight Too

    Weight Loss: Our diet always plays a crucial role in the weight loss process. This low-calorie cucumber raita promotes digestion, making it an ideal choice for weight loss.

  • Summer-Special Cucumber Raita Can Prevent Bloating And Other Digestive Issues Too
    Summer-Special Cucumber Raita Can Prevent Bloating And Other Digestive Issues Too

    Thanks to the yogurt in the recipe, raita makes for a perfect dish to include to our summer diet.

  • Kumaoni Raitaa: This Cucumber Raita Recipe From Uttarakhand Is A Showstopper
    Kumaoni Raitaa: This Cucumber Raita Recipe From Uttarakhand Is A Showstopper

    With its roots in the hills of Uttarakhand, this raita defines the food culture of the people of Kumaon.

  • Beat The Heat With This Refreshing Fibre-Rich Raita
    Beat The Heat With This Refreshing Fibre-Rich Raita

    Cucumber is one veggie that is perfect to beat the summer heat. You can eat it raw, add it in your drinks and salads, or even make it a part of your raitas.

  • Summer Special: 5 Cucumber Recipes Under 15 minutes To Beat The Heat
    Summer Special: 5 Cucumber Recipes Under 15 minutes To Beat The Heat

    These summer special cucumber recipes are quick and easy to make. Here are 5 delicious ways to enjoy the benefits and taste of cucumbers.

  • Maharashtrian Lal Bhoplyacha Bharit Can Be Your Perfect Raita For Every Meal
    Maharashtrian Lal Bhoplyacha Bharit Can Be Your Perfect Raita For Every Meal

    Bored of cucumber raitas? Try this sweet Red Pumpkin Raita, a popular recipe from traditional Maharashtrian meals.

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