Low-carb diet is important not just for health and diet, but also overall well-being and prevention of brain ageing. Here's the research and all you need to know!
Raw Fruits benefits: The diet pattern, sleep pattern, mental health and amount of physical activity of the participants were considered for the research.
Vegetarianism is a choice for millions in our country and scientific facts have established the health benefits associated with it.
Asthma, in layman's language, is a common chronic condition where breathing becomes difficult due to inflammatory disease of the airways to the lungs. This can make some physical activities tough for the person affected.
A new research suggests that the consequences of dieting and even talking about dieting are much more pronounced in children than adults.
Drinking milk just before sleeping may not be as healthy as previously thought. But what about having it the first thing in morning?
Veganism is a philosophy that keeps its followers away from all kinds of animal-based products, be it in their diet, clothing or cosmetics. As a practice, veganism is slowly taking the world by rage
From promoting weight loss to managing diabetes, here're five health benefits of following plant-based (vegetarian) diet.
A new study by Oxford has proven that the vegan diet is actually significantly better for the environment and the data is here to prove it.
The Atlantic diet has several health benefits and foods similar to the popular Mediterranean diet.