Food Awards

Food experts

'Food Experts' - 38 New Result(s)
  • Is It Okay To Cook Dal In A Pressure Cooker? Food Expert Explains
    Is It Okay To Cook Dal In A Pressure Cooker? Food Expert Explains

    Can we cook dal in a pressure cooker? Is it safe to consume pressure-cooked dal? We have food connoisseur Krish Ashok explaining it all. Read on.

  • 4 Expert-Recommended Ways To Subdue Junk Food Cravings
    4 Expert-Recommended Ways To Subdue Junk Food Cravings

    Staying on track when it comes to your diet is easier said than done. Food cravings can make or break your fitness plans. Here are some tips to try!

  • What To Eat To Beat Hormonal Acne? Experts Share Tips And Foods To Eat
    What To Eat To Beat Hormonal Acne? Experts Share Tips And Foods To Eat

    Hormonal acne requires a specific set of nutrients to keep it in check. Here are expert-approved foods and tips to improve your skin health.

  • 5 Smart Hacks To Increase Antioxidants In Your Body - Experts Weigh In
    5 Smart Hacks To Increase Antioxidants In Your Body - Experts Weigh In

    Antioxidant is an essential compound to keep our body functioning smoothly. In this article, we got you some smart ways to incorporate more antioxidants in diet.

  • Eating Protein Or Drinking Protein: What's Better?
    Eating Protein Or Drinking Protein: What's Better?

    Protein is important for us but not all of us get enough of it. Read the article to know how much and how to get your daily protein fix.

  • Food Experts Predict Trends Worth Watching in 2016
    Food Experts Predict Trends Worth Watching in 2016

    Our food experts stare into the crystal ball to reveal the tastes youll crave, the cuisines you'll want to try and restaurants youll queue up for in the New Year.

  • 5 Desi Swaps For Popular Western Ingredients That Won't Break The Bank
    5 Desi Swaps For Popular Western Ingredients That Won't Break The Bank

    We understand how difficult it could be to find certain Western foods. But not anymore! Nutritionist Deepsikha Jain has given easy desi food swaps for those times!

  • This is What Food Experts From Across India Eat On Diwali (And It's Mind Boggling)
    This is What Food Experts From Across India Eat On Diwali (And It's Mind Boggling)

    A quick lowdown on what food experts and enthusiasts like to relish on Diwali.

  • Gifts for those who Cook and those who just Eat
    Gifts for those who Cook and those who just Eat

    Barbeque and southern foods expert Elizabeth Karmel rounded up her favorite products of the year and suggests these gifts for those who cook and those who just like to eat.

  • Soya Beans vs Soya Chunks: Which One Has More Protein?
    Soya Beans vs Soya Chunks: Which One Has More Protein?

    A popular plant-based protein, soya is a vegetarian favourite. But, which variety is providing you with a sufficient amount of protein? Let's find out.

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