
Jackfruit Recipes

Jackfruit Recipes - 7 News Result(s)
  • 5 Best Jackfruit Recipes | Easy Kathal Recipes To Try At Home!
    5 Best Jackfruit Recipes | Easy Kathal Recipes To Try At Home!

    Jackfruit or kathal is an amazing food to load up on nutrients and a viable alternative to animal meat. Here are five ways or five best jackfruit recipes to try at home along with key ...

  • 5 Unique Kathal (Jackfruit) Recipes That You Will Surely Relish
    5 Unique Kathal (Jackfruit) Recipes That You Will Surely Relish

    Jackfruit recipes: We found some delicious ways you can use this vegetable in your cooking. These recipes are not your usual kathal recipes and will surely take your cooking a notch higher.

  • The Vegan Sensation: 5 Easy Jackfruit Recipes That You Can Try At Home
    The Vegan Sensation: 5 Easy Jackfruit Recipes That You Can Try At Home

    Jackfruit or kathal is full of nutrients and a viable alternative to meat.

  • Saransh Goila Shares
    Saransh Goila Shares "Kathal Taco" Recipe For Desi Food Lovers; Video Inside

    Chef Saransh Goila gave a desi spin to the Mexican dish tacos.

  • Jackfruit Recipes: Numerous Ways to Cook With This Seasonal Delight
    Jackfruit Recipes: Numerous Ways to Cook With This Seasonal Delight

    Other than the classic curry or the pickle, there exists a host of jackfruit recipes that remain unexplored.

  • Jackfruit Dosa: This Unique Dosa Recipe Is Here To Make Your Summer Sweet And Memorable
    Jackfruit Dosa: This Unique Dosa Recipe Is Here To Make Your Summer Sweet And Memorable

    Jackfruit (kathal) is in season currently, so make the most of it. We bring you a tasty dosa recipe that you can make with this seasonal fruit and take your taste buds on a ride!

  • Jackfruit Recipes: Raw Jackfruit Is The Toast Of Vegans In The West
    Jackfruit Recipes: Raw Jackfruit Is The Toast Of Vegans In The West

    The restaurant's executive chef has substituted pork with raw jackfruit and quite a few of his diners can't tell the difference. His simple approach is to treat raw jackfruit like meat - they griddle it ...

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