Sonam Kapoor took to her Instagram to share a story featuring the 'nashta' she enjoyed recently, with a hot cup of tea. Read on to know more.
Sonam Kapoor's fans already know that she is a die-hard foodie, just like us. The Instagram challenge of 'Post A Picture Of' gave us an opportunity to see her foodie side - up, close and ...
Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja celebrated their son Vayu's 2-month birthday with an adorable and delicious cake.
One of the most active celebrities on Instagram, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja shared a video that features some interesting facts about 'Rooh Afza'.
Actress Sonam Kapoor recently celebrated her birthday in Scotland and offered glimpses of her festivities on Instagram for her fans.
Sonam Kapoor took to Instagram to reveal how she organised her kitchen cabinet while staying at home, in order to 'de stress'. Take a look!
Sonam Kapoor makes a fresh batch of chocolate cupcakes for friend. She shared snippets of the yummy delights.
Sonam Kapoor is a strong proponent of eating healthy. The actor shared a healthy snack for weight loss which can be whipped up in minutes!
Michelin recently took to social media to announce its 2022 stars for restaurants in Great Britain and Ireland. Jamavar made it back to the list!