Food Awards


Treatment - 225 News Result(s)
  • The Hot Hype and Cold Reality of Cryotherapy. Does it Freeze Your Pains Away?
    The Hot Hype and Cold Reality of Cryotherapy. Does it Freeze Your Pains Away?

    A new ice age is here. And it's making amazing promises of pain-free joints and sculpted abs. Cryotherapy - a freezing treatment turned piping-hot health trend - is being hyped by spas across the country, ...

  • Report: More Than Half of Mentally Ill U.S. Adults Get No Treatment
    Report: More Than Half of Mentally Ill U.S. Adults Get No Treatment

    Mental Health America ranked all 50 states and the District of Columbia on 15 different measures, including adults with any mental illness, youth with at least one major depressive episode in the past year and ...

  • New Drugs for Hard-to-Treat Childhood Cancers
    New Drugs for Hard-to-Treat Childhood Cancers

    Scientists have developed a whole new class of drugs that, for the first time, targets the structure of the cancer cell, paving way for new treatments to tackle the disease.Researchers at the University of New ...

  • Alternative Therapies Risk Effectiveness of Cancer Treatment, Researchers Find
    Alternative Therapies Risk Effectiveness of Cancer Treatment, Researchers Find

    Common complementary therapies found to have serious drug interactions or reduce the effectiveness of chemotherapy or radiation treatmentThe complementary therapies that cancer patients most commonly mention to doctors all potentially jeopardise the...

  • The Treatment Isn't Always the Cure
    The Treatment Isn't Always the Cure

    In his State of the Union address last week, President Barack Obama encouraged the development of -precision medicine,- which would tailor treatments based on individuals genetics or physiology.

  • What is Asthma? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment
    What is Asthma? Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

    Asthma is a long-life condition which is non-curable. However, with proper medication, small tweaks in your lifestyle, diet and environment one can keep it under control and prevent it from getting worse.

  • Argentine Tango May Prevent Falls in Cancer Patients: Study
    Argentine Tango May Prevent Falls in Cancer Patients: Study

    Argentine Tango dance may significantly improve balance and reduce the risk of falls among cancer patients post treatment, a new study has claimed.

  • Combo Therapy Against: Ovarian And Breast Cancer, Can Overcome Drug Resistance
    Combo Therapy Against: Ovarian And Breast Cancer, Can Overcome Drug Resistance

    Bolstering the know how behind targeted cancer treatment, Indian scientists have offered a new rationale for combination drug therapy for ovarian and breast cancer, which they say can counter drug resistance and reduce side-effects.

  • Novel Early Detection Method May Prevent Psychosis
    Novel Early Detection Method May Prevent Psychosis

    Using a new probability model, Australian mental health researchers have made a promising breakthrough in the early detection of the risk of psychosis -- a mental disorder characterised by a disconnection from reality.

  • Bacteria Trapped In Skin Pore Causes Acne: Study
    Bacteria Trapped In Skin Pore Causes Acne: Study

    Scientists have discovered that bacteria on the skin trapped in clogged pore, surrounded by oil and no air, release fatty acids that trigger inflammation known as acne, a finding that may lead to new treatments ...

Treatment - 1 Web Stories Result(s)
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    Alkaline Water: Health Benefits & How To Make
    Feb 15 2022
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