Skin-care is no miracle, it requires diligent attention. You cannot put a face mask one day and expect long-lasting results. Most skin-types need a regular cleansing routine for that glowing look. While all of us desire beautiful skin and flawless sheen, we hardly want put in the extra effort that is required. Tight work schedules, pollutions, there are reasons aplenty to keep us away from tending to our skin. Most of us neglect to take out even 10 minutes from our daily routine to clean our skin. So no matter how much you are going to worry or crib, there's no other way out other than spending quality time to pamper your skin.Oily skin looks greasy and is prone to accumulating dirt. As a result, it leads to three very common problems – whiteheads, blackheads and open pores. In fact, a lot of professional salons which tend to over steam the face also lead to these problems. If you keep your skin clean by following a regular skin care program you can avoid them. One needs to be very careful when it comes to taking care of the skin.(Also Read: Home-Remedies for Acne and Acne Scars)
WhiteheadsWhiteheads are tiny little nodules of trapped oil just below the skin's surface. They give an uneven and bumpy look to the skin. Try to go to a well-known and good acoustician to get rid of them. Or you could make this natural mix at home and use it daily to clean your face –2 tsp orange peel
2 tsp rice powder
2 tsp dry pea powderMix all the ingredients along with rose water to make a thick paste. Apply it generously on the skin and allow it to dry. Wash your face with cold water and pat dry.Note: The best way to avoid whiteheads is to keep the skin scrupulously clean and free from any excess oil build-up.(Also Read: Orange Juice is Healthier Than We Thought)

(Also Read:8 Expert Beauty Tips: Skin Care in Your 30's)BlackheadsBlackheads are hardened sebum, which blackens with exposure to air, and are embedded deep into the pores. These, if not taken care of could lead to pimples and acne. Deep pore cleansing is a must and one could do this after a slight massage using a gentle face scrub, such as 2 tsp of orange juice and 2 tsp of honey mixed with a pinch of camphor. The combination of orange juice, which is slightly acidic, and honey are good for oily skins.If you have very deep blackheads and have not bothered to clean them or do not want to fiddle with them yourself, seek professional help. In fact, if you have many blackheads, there's a possibility that the first few times the skin will not look completely clean but with regular treatment, the skin will begin to clear up. If you want to steam your face do so with herbs like lavender, lemon peel and mint leaves added to the water and let the skin soak up their natural goodness. Reduce the oiliness of the skin and blackheads will reduce too.(Also Read: Beauty Tips: How to Take Care of Sun Damaged Skin)It is also important that you drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day and maintain a well- balanced diet. This can be easily done at home. All you need to do is use a little imagination to toss up salads and fruits in delicious dressings so that you don't get bored of them. Eat whole wheat chappatis and take lots of green vegetables like spinach, cabbage, beans, etc.To avoid blackheads and whiteheads you have to follow the golden rule of keeping your skin clean and this has to be done as a habit. You need to spend just 5-10 minutes a day cleaning and exfoliating the skin and you will notice the difference in a few days. (Also Read: An Expert Guide to Gorgeous Summer Skin)

Open pores Open pores or as in a layman's language ‘holes' in the skin are very common especially in those with oily skin. Open pores are actually enlarged pores due to excessive oil secretion and lack of using tightening masks that clean and absorb excess moisture.Using an antiseptic face wash or tonic, which has been refrigerated, will help reduce oiliness. You can mash one banana and apply the pulp on the face for 20 minutes and then wash off or you can rub tomato halves on the face and let the skin soak up its juice. Another effective face pack can be made by mashing 4-5 pieces of refrigerated papaya and applying them for 15 minutes and then washing the face. Bananas, tomato and papaya are also known to have a cleansing and tightening effect on the skin.(Also Read:Signs of Ageing Start Appearing in Mid-20s: Study)