Indians love their chai! No doubt in that. But when it comes to ginger tea, our love for chai grows infinitely more. From an octogenarian Dadaji to college-going youngsters - there's something about Adrak Wali Chai that makes everyone crave that one slurp. Ginger tea is no foreign beverage to this land of chai lovers. While the British may have introduced tea leaves to India, the credit for making a warm soulful beverage in adrak wali chai is completely ours. Whether you go to a roadside chaiwala or a modern upmarket eatery, Adrak wali chai is readily available in most parts of the country, especially during the winter months. And while there are many other ingredients that make it to our favourite chai masala - cinnamon, cloves, cardamom to name a few - a hint of fresh ginger, ground or chopped into small pieces does soothe a winter throat like no other ingredient does. So, whats the reason behind our love for the spicy heat of adrak wali chai?Here are 4 reasons why we think Indians totally love their adrak wali chai.1. India is a land of spices and herbs
Indian cuisine uses herbs and spices like no other cuisine around the world. And not just in cooking, the use of herbs for medicinal purposes too has been prevalent for centuries. Herbs were consciously added to food and beverages with the aim to soothe, cure, relax and rejuvenate. We think the the combination of ginger and tea was not only destined, this marriage was a carefully concocted one.
Indian cuisine uses herbs and spices like no other cuisine around the world 2. A conventional aid to many troublesFrom a mild migraine to common cold - ginger tea is used as a house made first aid in many homes. In fact, in many Indian households, people do not sight it as a beverage but as a herbal medicine for things like unrest in stomach and seasonal coughs and cold.
From a mild migraine to common cold - ginger tea is used as a house made first aid in many homes
3. For that cozy feeling in WintersWe did mention about the elevated love for ginger tea in colder months, didn't we? Ginger tea warms the body internally and its prickling sensation in the throat in the winters is the one thing you will get addicted to for sure. The lowest dip in temperatures can be ably countered with a hot cup of chai held lovingly between your arms.
Ginger tea warms the body internally and its prickling sensation in the throat in the winters
4. It's CHAI after all! Duh..!If there is one thing that Indians were and are a humongous fan of, then it is undoubtedly tea. It is the one thing that we are literally addicted too. And when you add another layer of flavour and aroma to tea with ginger, you get another winner.
If there is one thing that Indians were and are a humongous fan of, then it is undoubtedly teaAdrak wali chai is a way of life now. Its intertwined with all those adda sessions with colleagues, long chats on the phone with friends and weekend chit-chatting with family. And frankly speaking, if you are experiencing some mild winter-related problems or just wish to get a good start in the morning, adrak wali chai is one of the best things you can come up with.
Indian cuisine uses herbs and spices like no other cuisine around the world. And not just in cooking, the use of herbs for medicinal purposes too has been prevalent for centuries. Herbs were consciously added to food and beverages with the aim to soothe, cure, relax and rejuvenate. We think the the combination of ginger and tea was not only destined, this marriage was a carefully concocted one.

3. For that cozy feeling in WintersWe did mention about the elevated love for ginger tea in colder months, didn't we? Ginger tea warms the body internally and its prickling sensation in the throat in the winters is the one thing you will get addicted to for sure. The lowest dip in temperatures can be ably countered with a hot cup of chai held lovingly between your arms.

4. It's CHAI after all! Duh..!If there is one thing that Indians were and are a humongous fan of, then it is undoubtedly tea. It is the one thing that we are literally addicted too. And when you add another layer of flavour and aroma to tea with ginger, you get another winner.
