Cooking can be an easy and fun activity that can be done smoothly and effortlessly without creating drama. However, if you work randomly without any organization system, then the same cooking task can take double or triple the time. This will also make working in the kitchen a challenging task you do not want to take part in again. In this article, we have compiled a list of common mistakes that may not look problematic at first but are hurdles in your cooking process. Fix these mistakes to make your life in the kitchen much smoother.
5 Common Kitchen Mistakes That Create Clutter And Hurdles:
1. Not Cleaning Simultaneously While Cooking
This habit can make a huge difference in how you work in the kitchen. The key is to first have a designated space for everything you use in the kitchen. The next step is to keep everything you use -- boxes, bottles, and other kitchen items -- back in their place immediately after use. If you do that, there will be no clutter in the first place. Otherwise, you will keep making a mess as you keep cooking.
Also Read: Kitchen Tips: 6 Underrated Kitchen Tools To Increase Your Efficiency
2. Not Removing Unwanted Foods From The Fridge
Many of the ingredients you'll need for cooking may be found in the fridge. So, it is important to have a clutter-free fridge. One basic rule to keep your fridge clean is to always get rid of any stale or old food that you no longer plan to consume. Do not keep putting leftovers in the fridge. Keep your fridge tidy by storing only those things that you will consume for sure.
3. Not Labelling Boxes
Another mistake that is slowing you down is not labelling boxes. From spices to dals to any other containers, put a label on them. This will help you save a lot of time.

Cluttered kitchen drawers can waste your time in the kitchen.
Photo Credit: iStock
4. Leaving Groceries On The Kitchen Counter
Many people buy groceries -- fruits, veggies, bread, eggs, oats packets, butter, etc. -- and leave the grocery bags on the kitchen counter. You may think that you don't need to sort them out and put them in their designated places as you might be using these items soon. However, they will act as clutter and slow you down. Whether you have a big or small kitchen, keep all the things in their designated drawers and cupboards to keep the kitchen counter as empty as possible.
Also Read: Safe Kitchen Practice: 5 Thumb Rules To Keep Your Kitchen Clean And Hygienic
5. Storing Non-Kitchen Stuff In The Kitchen
Many people start storing other household items in the kitchen that are unrelated to cooking or food. Avoid turning your kitchen into a part-time storage area. If you store other stuff here, you will soon run out of space for your kitchen tools and equipment, which may end up cramped in a single cupboard or clutter your kitchen counter.
Avoid making these mistakes and enjoy a breezy, organized kitchen. Happy cooking!
About Jigyasa KakwaniJigyasa finds her solace through writing, a medium she is exploring to make the world more informed and curious with every story published. She is always up for exploring new cuisines, but her heart comes back to the comforting ghar-ka-khana.