Haldi doodh (or turmeric milk) has long been touted as a wonder beverage with a host of health benefits. The rise in popularity of turmeric latte or golden latte, as some international coffee chains have named it, brings home the fact that it has been a part of the diet and traditions in India for ages. Our grandmothers have long sworn by the humble haldi doodh for every common ailment - from cold and sore throat to muscle pain and recovery from an injury. In fact, many experts even say that it can even give you a clearer complexion.

Photo Credit: Praerna Kartha
So what makes this haldi doodh such a versatile remedy? Ancient Indian medicine practitioners recognised the value of haldi or turmeric. It is enriched with anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Aside from the benefits of combining it with warm milk and jaggery/honey, this combination also makes it a smooth medium to incorporate haldi in our daily diet.
Also Read: 5 Turmeric-Based Recipes To Boost Immunity This Winter Season

Photo Credit: Praerna Kartha
Is haldi doodh good for you?
Haldi has multiple health benefits and combining it with warm milk and ghee has long been a traditional practice in India for many reasons - from boosting immunity to fighting the common cold and to hasten recovery from injuries.
Can you drink haldi doodh every day?
Consuming an excessive amount of haldi daily is not recommended as it can lead to acidity and bloating. However, having one serving of haldi doodh with a pinch of haldi in it every day is completely safe.
What is the best time to drink haldi doodh?
Haldi doodh is most effective when taken before bedtime. The warm milk helps to soothe and relax the body, while the turmeric works to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Drinking haldi doodh before bed can also help improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels.
Can you add ghee to haldi doodh?
Ghee and turmeric together offer holistic health benefits. Together they reduce inflammation, increase alkalinity and circulation in the body. Additionally, a teaspoon of ghee added to your warm milk helps in improving digestion and metabolism. The enzymes present in milk and ghee help in breaking down the food for better absorption of nutrients. This also promotes more relaxation and healthy, sound sleep.
Should you add black pepper to haldi doodh?
The combination of pepper with haldi doodh is said to help prevent cold and cough and keep other infections at bay. Some experts say that the compound piperine present in pepper heightens the viability and power of curcumin present in turmeric. It also helps the absorption of curcumin in the body.
Jaggery or honey to sweeten haldi doodh?
The calories in jaggery help to produce heat in the body and keep it warm.It is loaded with antioxidants and minerals that do wonders for our immune health and overall nourishment. Honey, too, has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties just like haldi. The benefits of both jaggery and honey are plenty and the answer to this question may boil down to personal preference.
Is haldi doodh good for skin?
A traditional practice in India has been to give brides-to-be haldi doodh to brighten their complexion. As odd as it may sound, there may be some proof in the pudding here. Curcumin in haldi has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help in combatting acne and clarifying the complexion.
Benefits of Haldi Doodh | Why You Should Consume Haldi Doodh
1. Induces A Good Night's Sleep
The warm milk soothes and relaxes your body while the turmeric works to reduce inflammation and stress levels which promote a good night's sleep.
2. Boosts Immunity
Turmeric has anti-viral, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties. It also has essential nutrients that nourish your body from within and help fight seasonal infections.
3. Keeps You Warm
Drinking haldi doodh during winter helps you keep warm and fights the cold weather outside.
4. Ease Body Pain And Speed Up Healing
The anti-inflammatory properties of haldi doodh have long been put into use to ease body pain and speed up recovery from injury, physical trauma, sickness or surgery.
5. Promotes Gut Health
The anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric aid in healthy digestion. The combination with warm milk and ghee also help in the breakdown of nutrients and better absorption in the body.
6. Improves Mood
The active ingredient in turmeric - curcumin - has been claimed to boost mood and reduce symptoms of depression by some studies.
7. Promotes Skin Health
The anti-inflammatory properties present in turmeric have been linked to the reduction of acne and pigmentation as well as soothing eczema.
How To Make Haldi Doodh At Home | Easy Step-by-Step Recipe To Make Haldi Doodh
Making haldi doodh at home is very quick and easy. It uses few ingredients and is a fool-proof method of adding haldi to your diet.
1. Begin by gathering the ingredients - haldi powder, milk, black pepper, elaichi, ghee and honey.
Also Read: Turmeric Water: 5 Benefits Of This Desi Detox Water And How To Make It

Photo Credit: Praerna Kartha
2. Add the haldi, ghee and honey to a heavy bottomed saucepan.

Photo Credit: Praerna Kartha
3. Add the milk, lightly crushed peppercorns and elaichi to the saucepan and whisk to ensure there are no lumps or pockets of haldi.

Photo Credit: Praerna Kartha
4. Place on the stove at high heat and bring to a boil. Lower the heat and simmer for 2-3 minutes and strain into a cup.

Photo Credit: Praerna Kartha
5. Serve this warm and keep a spoon handy to give it the occasional stir if the haldi seems to settle at the bottom.

Photo Credit: Praerna Kartha
Try this recipe and leave us a comment with your thoughts. For the detailed recipe, click here. For more recipes of turmeric beverages to add to your daily rotation, click here .