As soon as one mentions desserts, our minds instantly think of the chocolaty goodness. It could be a chocolate loaf, pastry, cake, eclair or anything- chocolate in all forms is absolute bliss. And I'm sure that till now, you must have experimented with chocolate at least once and tried to make a dessert. However, it might not have turned out the way you wanted it to be. Baking can sometimes be a challenge, especially if you are new to it. There are a whole lot of ingredients to be added, and the steps can take up a lot of your time. But the result is always worth the effort. So, if you also want to experiment with chocolate and learn something new, why not start with something basic and simple?! For the same, here we bring you a recipe for easy chocolate mousse!
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The recipe that we bring you today is from YouTube channel 'Cook with Parul.' In her quick recipe, she makes use of everyday ingredients and makes a yummy chocolate mousse. Once you make this recipe, you can serve it at any party! People of all ages will for surely love to devour it! Find the full recipe below:

Chocolate Mousse Recipe: Here's How To Make Chocolate Mousse
First, take chocolate biscuits and crush them. Put them in a blender with some sugar and grind. Then add some coffee powder to it. Now add milk and fresh cream and churn again. Now, pour this into a container and keep it in the fridge for an hour. When you take it out after an hour, you will notice that the mousse now has a velvety texture. Pour this into a small bowl and a jar, add some chopped chocolate pieces from the top and serve to enjoy.
Watch the full recipe of easy chocolate mousse here:
Make this yummy recipe and let us know how it turned out for you.