'Nevertheless, he walked calmly into the gas-chamber' ; a striking quote by Rudolf Hoss for Jews on a concentration camp in Germany has become the daily life of Delhiites as they step out every morning for work in the smog! Not only the national capital, from London to Varanasi, many cities around the world are now experiencing adverse effects of poor air quality. In India, the condition in cities like Agra, Bhiwadi, Lucknow, Patna, and Jodhpur regularly display alarming Air Quality Index (AQI) figures. AQI of most of these cities is in the range of 300-500 which is categorized as hazardous in which the population is likely to be unfavourably effected. Doctors have even said that inhaling air in the National Capital Region is equal to smoking 50 cigarettes a day! Children, office going adults and people with respiratory disorders are at the greatest risk. Chest conjunctions, chest infection, worsening of respiratory disorders, lesser life expectancy, eye irritation, reduction of immunity - the list is long for the effects of the smog.
Outdoor going people are adversely affected by SmogMother Nature was quite prepared for this day too, I guess. There are plenty of foods that you can consume to fight the effects of smog at an individual level.Here are some foods that you must be eating to fight smog:
1. BroccoliAs your mother said, "Eat Your broccoli!" - now you ought to especially adhere to this advise if you live in the above-mentioned cities.Broccoli is advised by many nutritionists to help the effects of pollutants. A study by John Hopkins University and University of Pittsburg School of Medicine shows that a chemical called glucoraphanin that stimulates the production of sulforaphane in the body that again aids to remove pollutants from the body. Guess what? Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbages are enriched with glucoraphanin! Broccoli having the highest concentration among all of them. It also contains Vitamin A, C and K and a flavonoid that contains anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. It is best when eaten raw as over-cooking sometimes can degrade the effects of many vital enzymes. Still, it is advised to prepare them at a temperature below 90oC for less than or about 5 minutes.
Broccoli is advised by many nutritionists to help the effects of pollutants
2. GingerRemember when you used to drink Adrak wali Chai when you could not stop coughing as a child? Well if not, it's about time you do! Ginger has for long been used in Ayurveda as an immunity-boosting herb and a remedy for respiratory conditions. It contains anti-inflammatory properties and aids to decongest the chest. Best taken as ginger juice with a little honey. You can even add some crushed black pepper if you feel the need to enhance its performance. You can also add it to your food and tea.
Ginger aids in decongesting the chest
3. Citrus Food'Winter is Coming' - and so is the season of citrus foods like oranges and amla which are very effective in reduction of effects of smog and maintain lung health due to the presence of Vitamin C. It is a very prominent source of anti-oxidants and is full of Potassium that aid heart functioning. 
Citrus food maintain lung health
4. Magnesium rich foodsThese provide immunity that for sure are much required to fight against smog. They ease the lungs and removes the strain caused to them by the smog. It helps in the articulation of air in the lungs too. The prominent sources are - almonds, cashews, avocado, spinach and pumpkin seeds.
Magnesium rich food removes strain from the lungs
5. Flax seeds and leafy greens:By now, Omega 3 fatty acids is no foreign term to you if you are a big time foodie. But in case you are not; Omega 3 fatty acids protect your cardiovascular system and aids in the reduction of effects of smog. One good source of this is Flax seeds which are loaded with them. Also, leafy greens like SPINACH should be eaten to fight against smog and its effects. It contains an appreciable amount of Vitamin K and beta-carotene which helps in the exposure to the risk of asthma. Other sources can be vegetables like carrots.You can also use walnuts, eggs, and soybeans etc. for a boost of Omega 3.
Flax seeds protects the cardiovascular system 6. Water:Yes; the liquid made from the two most reactive chemical elements is the next one in our list -WATER! It is long known to remove the toxins from the body. Hydrated organs release toxins in the most efficient manner. So drink water whenever you can.It is advised to drink a glass of water with lemon juice at least twice a day.
Hydrated organs release toxins in the most efficient mannerFood Nutritionist, Dr. Rupali Datta says that Lungs are the first mechanism against smog and the most potent vitamin for that is C. Foods like lemons, amlas and green-leafy vegetables are the most efficient source for them.Love is in the air some say. But the air is full of smog to see or feel that! We suggest you to take due precautions to fight back the smog. Eat Right and Prepare Right!

1. BroccoliAs your mother said, "Eat Your broccoli!" - now you ought to especially adhere to this advise if you live in the above-mentioned cities.Broccoli is advised by many nutritionists to help the effects of pollutants. A study by John Hopkins University and University of Pittsburg School of Medicine shows that a chemical called glucoraphanin that stimulates the production of sulforaphane in the body that again aids to remove pollutants from the body. Guess what? Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbages are enriched with glucoraphanin! Broccoli having the highest concentration among all of them. It also contains Vitamin A, C and K and a flavonoid that contains anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects. It is best when eaten raw as over-cooking sometimes can degrade the effects of many vital enzymes. Still, it is advised to prepare them at a temperature below 90oC for less than or about 5 minutes.

2. GingerRemember when you used to drink Adrak wali Chai when you could not stop coughing as a child? Well if not, it's about time you do! Ginger has for long been used in Ayurveda as an immunity-boosting herb and a remedy for respiratory conditions. It contains anti-inflammatory properties and aids to decongest the chest. Best taken as ginger juice with a little honey. You can even add some crushed black pepper if you feel the need to enhance its performance. You can also add it to your food and tea.

3. Citrus Food'Winter is Coming' - and so is the season of citrus foods like oranges and amla which are very effective in reduction of effects of smog and maintain lung health due to the presence of Vitamin C. It is a very prominent source of anti-oxidants and is full of Potassium that aid heart functioning.

Citrus food maintain lung health
4. Magnesium rich foodsThese provide immunity that for sure are much required to fight against smog. They ease the lungs and removes the strain caused to them by the smog. It helps in the articulation of air in the lungs too. The prominent sources are - almonds, cashews, avocado, spinach and pumpkin seeds.
