Groundnuts have a tendency to trigger excessive thirst as they are quite dry in nature. One of the most popular reasons why you shouldn't drink water after eating them is the presence of oil in them. Consuming water after having nuts or foods with too much oil content in them may lead to deposition of fat in the food pipe, resulting in irritation and coughing. However, this theory has not been proved as yet.(Also read: 6 Amazing Reasons to Add Peanuts Along With Your Bowlful of Nuts!)

Groundnuts have a tendency to trigger excessive thirst as they are quite dry in natureAnother theory is that peanuts produce heat in the body, which is why these are available mostly during winters. Drinking water will only disturb the equilibrium as it would put off the heat. Simultaneous heating and cooling of the body causes cold and cough and various other respiratory problems. According to Macrobiotic Coach and Health Practitioner, Shilpa Arora, "Water after any meal is not recommended as it dilutes digestive juices leading to acidity or indigestion."
Some say that it is not like we cannot drink a sip or two, but one must avoid consuming cold water and instead sip on lukewarm water. In fact, it is better to wait for at least 10-15 minutes before drinking a glass.
One of the theories is that drinking water after having peanuts causes gastric issues, especially in kids.

Some say that it is not like we cannot drink a sip or two
Sometimes, it can be due to peanut allergy, which is a common condition. You may feel irritation in your throat, followed by other symptoms. Drinking water may only make it worse for you. So ensure that you do not have a peanut allergy. Here's how you can check if you have an allergy.
While it is generally said that you should avoid gulping down water, it hasn't been proven anywhere. But precautions don't hurt; so try and wait for at least 15 minutes before drinking water just to be sure that it would not create a problem for you.