The minister also said that she has been informed that the industry's concerns will be taken care of. She also declined to comment on Patanjali Atta Noodles issue and said it is a matter between the Ministry of Health and Ramdev. However, she added: "I am sure that the (health) ministry is looking into it to ensure these kinds of roadblocks are not there."
Speaking earlier at the event, the minister informed that after the Prime Minister Narendra Modi-led government came to power, three mega food parks have become operational, whereas in last 10 years during UPA regime only two parks were made operational. "In next 30 months, we are aiming that 42 mega food parks should become operational," Badal added.
Badal also said that she has set a deadline of 30 months for making the 42 mega food parks functional, reiterating the government's commitment to drastically reduce the wastage of farm produce with zero tolerance to it, estimates of which at current price of Rs 92,000 crore. She said that the Ministry of Food Processing Industries will promote setting up of traditional food industry so that the popular cuisines like Makki Ki Roti Sarson Ka Saag of Punjab and Rasam Sambhar of Tamil Nadu, among others are available all over the country.
"There is a great demand of the authentic traditional food in India as well as in foreign countries and added that Non Resident Indians settled in all over globe are very keen to get regular supply of authentic food of their region in their adopted countries," Badal said.