There are many times when you indulge in a heavy dinner and are left with no appetite for a dessert. But, if the sweet tooth starts tipping the craving for a sweet treat, custard is the best option to go for. It is one of the lightest desserts and is also super yummy. It is a velvety, creamy dessert, which is made with the basic ingredients of milk or milk solids, eggs and sugar. The mixture is thickened, but unlike any other pudding that uses starch for thickening, eggs do the work in case of custard. The dish is usually cooked on stove but can also be steamed or baked in the oven. Custard will taste heavenly any which way it is made.
Although a plain old custard taste great as is, but to spruce it up, you can always add flavours like vanilla essence or top it with fruits or fruit jelly. There are endless ways you can make your custard as per your liking. If you have tried all possible ways already and looking for something new, try this coconut custard with jamun sauce. We bet you never heard of it before!
This custard recipe is different for another reason. It is made of coconut milk instead of regular milk. Coconut milk is derived from grated coconut and has a thick, milky texture, which makes it perfect for a dessert like custard or pudding. It is also naturally sweet and has a deep nutty flavour that complements any dish (savoury or sweet) it is added to. Owing to its anti-inflammatory properties and electrolyte-like nature, coconut milk proves to be a great food for warding off stomach infections and keeping the body hydrated.
(Also Read: How To Make Coconut Milk Panna Cotta. See Recipe)

Coconut milk
The feather in the cap of this dessert is jamun. Also known as black plum, jamun is mostly available during the monsoons. The dark purple-coloured fruit is considered excellent for weight loss, diabetes and heart health. Jamun should be consumed during the rainy season to boost immunity and stay healthy.
(Also Read: Here Are Some Great Ideas To Include Jamun In Your Monsoon Diet)
Coconut Custard With Jamun Sauce
The smooth, luscious custard is made with coconut milk, eggs and castor sugar. This delicious, sweet custard is served with a tarty jamun sauce that complements the custard perfectly. The jamun sauce also contains mild flavours and nutritive qualities of cardamom (elaichi) and pure rose water.
Read the full recipe of Coconut Custard With Jamun Sauce here and enjoy the last leg of the monsoon with this decadent dessert.
About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.