The gloomy winter skies are a thing of past and it is now time to embrace the summer in all its glory. The fruit sellers have already started to lure their customers with season's fresh produce, and honestly we cannot wait to grab our hands on the juicy and delicious fruits too. However, there is much more that these fruits do, than just satiating our cravings. The weather would begin to soar soon, and with the rising temperature it becomes very important to stay hydrated. While a bottle of water does its bit, but besides that there are certain fruits too that can look after your fluid requirements, due to their rich water quantity. They also provide essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and fibre, in addition to keeping you cool. Here are some fruits that have highest water content which you must load up on this summer. 1. Watermelon
Red fleshed and abundantly rich in nutrients, watermelon contains about 92 percent water per volume. It is a rich source of the plant pigment lycopene which plays a crucial role in lowering risk of heart diseases. The citrulline present in watermelon helps in production of amino acid arginine, which boosts immunity system.(Aslo Read: Should You Have Fruits On An Empty Stomach? )

The citrulline present in watermelon helps in production of amino acid arginine, which boosts immunity system

Strawberries help keep the bad cholesterol at bay and are thus quite heart-friendly

Due to its high vitamin C content, peaches are considered to be one of the most skin-friendly foods

Cantaloupe is a rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, which is good for eye health

Pineapple has many anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe sore throat

Low in calories and high in fibres, apricots may help improve digestion
Have them alone, in salads or in smoothies and shakes. But make sure you have enough of them to keep yourself hydrated and cool this summer!
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.