A pesky throat infection is hard to handle and that is why we all look for quick fixes and home remedies for throat infection. The irritation and itchiness can make it difficult for you to concentrate on your daily chores. Not to forget, the terrible pain that may accompany in severe conditions. A lot of kitchen ingredients are known for their powerful anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties and can help fight infections. They can also help in boosting your immunity and making you stronger from within.What causes a throat infection? It could be tonsillitis, cold or a strep throat. It is usually one of the first effects of cold, flu or congestion. A throat infection is basically caused by some virus or bacteria. It may be an effect of some other ailment that you are suffering with or may be attacked by the pollutants or irritants in the air or some kind of allergies. Some of the common symptoms of a throat infection are.
Look out for the following symptoms if you feel you are suffering from a throat infection. Here’s how you can tell:
1. Swelling of the tonsils
2. Swollen lymph nodes in your neck
3. Throat pain and inflammation
4. Pain in your earsThese are the most common symptoms which may be accompanied by other side effects like fever, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, watery eyes, runny nose or cough. Here are 6 brilliant home remedies for throat pain. Goes without saying, you must consult a doctor because throat infections may require an antibiotic course. But these tips can definitely help ease the symptoms and give some relief. You may have not known but your kitchen is a storehouse of natural cures.
Home Remedies For A Throat Infection
1. Gargle with salt waterThis is one of the oldest and easiest home remedies for sore throat that even your grandmother would recommend. Salt is known to have amazing anti-bacterial properties. Mix ¼ teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water. Gargle at least two-three times a day. It will rinse away the bacteria and neutralize the acids that may be causing the burning sensation.
(Also read: 15 Genius Ways to Use Salt Beyond Seasoning)

Salt has great antibacterial properties2. Turmeric milkAnother wonderful home remedy for throat infection from granny’s treasure trove, drinking turmeric milk has been considered to be ancient tradition in our country. It known to treat a sore throat, cold and even persistent coughs. It can even relieve swelling and pain. In the world of Ayurveda, it is known as a natural antibiotic.(Also read: A Secret Ingredient that Turmeric Milk is Incomplete Without)

Turmeric is a natural antibiotic3. Herbal tea In his book, ‘Ayurvedic Home Remedies ‘, Dr. Vasant Lad suggests making a herbal tea with 2 parts ginger, 2 parts cinnamon and 3 parts licorice. Steep this mixture in water for 5-10 minutes and drink at least three times a day.

Make a herbal tea with cinnamon, licorice and ginger4. Honey You can make a decoction of ginger, honey and a squeeze of lime mixed with warm water or have a teaspoon of raw honey. Honey quotes and moistens the throat and is very effective in treating nigh time cough. Prefer raw honey, over regular honey for medicinal purposes. Honey also acts as a hypertonic osmotic which means that it can draw water out of the inflamed tissues. This helps in reducing swelling and inflammation in the throat.(Also read: Is Honey-Lemon-Water Really a Miracle Potion)

5. Apple cider vinegar Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is the latest to join the superfood bandwagon. It is acidic in nature and can kill the bacteria in the throat. It can also help ease cold symptoms if the throat infection is a result of mucous build-up. You can add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to your herbal tea or use the same to gargle with it.(Also read: 10 Proven Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar)

ACV is the new superfood
6. Suck on garlicWe agree, as much as we love garlic in food, chewing raw garlic may sound repulsive but it really words in treating a throat infection. Garlic contains a compound called allicin that can kill the bacteria and the fight the germs that may have caused the infection. Place a clove of garlic between your cheek and teeth and suck on it like a candy. Keep it in your mouth, crush it gently and let the juices do the magic.In his book, Dr. Vasant Lad also suggests some precautions regarding the food items that you should be avoiding. If you are suffering from a throat infection, it is best to stay away from dairy products like cheese and yogurt and even fermented foods.