According to Consultant Nutritionist, Dr. Rupali Datta, "It is recommended to eat five servings of vegetables and fruits in a day. There is no upper limit to consumption of fruits, but you can't just have fruits to fulfil your daily dietary requirements. While fruits may be nutrient-dense, there are various nutrients that you may only get from consuming a balanced diet, which may include grains, pulses, lentils, et al. So it is important to take essential nutrients from other sources. Fruits can be a part, but not a balanced diet." Health Coach and Macrobiotic Nutritionist Shilpa Arora agrees, "Balanced nutrition is important for good health and well-being. Too many fruits means too much sugar for the body to metabolise. Body needs complete balanced protein to build muscle tissue strength, hair, skin and over-all recovery."
She further continues, "All macro-nutrients are essential for health and it isn't sustainable to miss any. Eating too many fruits is okay but this approach will only lead to high blood sugar levels leading to other metabolic diseases."

So it is important to take essential nutrients from other sourcesWhy Eating Fruits May Impact Your Health?
Sugar comes in different forms namely glucose, fructose and sucrose. So the more sugar you eat, the more fat you store. Specifically, too much sugar from the fructose found in fruits can lead to a build-up of that visceral belly fat that has also been linked to type-2 diabetes by quite a few studies. Keep in mind to eat more fresh fruits and not dry fruits that usually pack more of sugary, calorie-dense punch.
Excessive Fruit Consumption May Lead To Weight Gain
If you are looking at losing weight, consuming too many fruits may not help you cut down on kilos; instead these low-calorie foods will add to your overall calorie recommendation for the day. Avoid juices and dry fruits in order to lose weight as they lack fibre.

If you are looking at losing weight, consuming too many fruits may not help you cut down on kilosFruits Are Healthy, But They Are Not Wholesome
While fruits are loaded with nutrients, they do not possess all the necessary ones that you need to have a good health. Fruits lack essential fatty acids and amino acids that other food groups may have. They are also deficient in minerals like calcium, iron and selenium.
Over-Indulging In Fruits May Cause Gastrointestinal Discomfort
Over-indulging in fruits may cause bloating, cramping, gas and loose stools, wreaking a havoc on your digestive health. The large amounts of fibre can also cause GI discomfort.

Over-indulging in fruits may cause bloating, cramping, et al
Excessive Fruit Intake May Cause Elevated Blood Sugar Levels
People with diabetes or who have the chances of developing diabetes should avoid eating too many fruits in a day. They should be consumed as a part of your meal plan, as per the American Diabetes Association.
It is important to include fresh fruits in your daily diet, but it is equally imperative to incorporate more food groups to ensure you are eating a balanced diet to lead a healthy life.