Yoga is divided into a range of breathing techniques and various asanas (postures). Practicing breathing techniques is very beneficial for cancer patients. It helps improve immunity and facilitates detoxification.
For detox benefits - Kapalbhati
- Bhastrika- Agnisaar KriyaFor strengthening immunity- Anulom Vilom- Surya Bhedi Pranayam
"Hatha Yoga is another option that can be tried. It focuses on both detoxification and building immunity. It also gives vigour and vitality to the body. However, any yogic practice must be executed under supervision," noted Yogi Anoop
Any ailment is usually the outcome of an imbalance in the functioning of our body. Through yoga, this issue can be addressed and fixed. Yoga, therefore can be seen as one of the most inexpensive preventive measures against all types of ailments."One of the biggest problem is the body's inability to flush out toxins. When the immune system is unable to get rid of excess toxins and it starts harming the body. Yoga is the simplest answer to some of the most complex medical issues. Sedentary lifestyle is the biggest threat to the mankind today, Yoga can be a simple way to battle it all out," concluded Mr. Anoop.