Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty's son Viaan Raj Kundra turned 9 on Friday (May 21, 2021). And Shilpa ensured that the day was absolutely special, despite being stuck in a lockdown. From gifting him the cutest puppy to spending some quality time with the family - Shilpa shared some heartwarming moments of the day on her Instagram feed. The icing on the cake was the extravagant birthday cake that Viaan received on his special day. The actress opted for a decadent white chocolate creation for the occasion. The two-tier cake was decorated with red icing as well as some golden balls and silver sparkles.
What made the cake unique was the design elements that were included in it. The dessert featured all of Viaan's interests - ranging from movies, books to even his laptop. While the cutout of Viaan with his laptop was placed as the cake topper, the lower tier was decorated with a movie clapboard that read 'Happy 9th Birthday Viaan-Raj'. The base of the cake also featured red icing in the shape of the YouTube logo.
In addition to the large cake, there were also three other smaller edible elements. It included a video recorder, three novels and a tub of popcorn. The addition of golden balls and silver sparkle on both tiers cut through the monotony of the white and red icing. Delicious and beautiful, isn't it?
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty & Viaan Raj Kundra Bake Nutritious Cookies At Home, Here's How You Can Too!
Both Shilpa and Viaan seem to have a penchant for sweets. Recently, on the occasion of Easter, the mother-son duo was joined by Shilpa's sister, actress Shamita Shetty as they dug into the special cake. The trio shared a video wishing their social media followers. In it, Shilpa is seen sitting on a table amid a bunch of sugary treats. She says, “Oh my god, see thank god for ordering-in guys. Please mask up, stay home and we really need to take precautions as the numbers are really rising, but who says we can't enjoy Easter guys?”
Soon Viaan intervenes and says, “That's not how it is done, Mumma” and then breaks the yellow and pink bunny cake with a hammer. This cake featured a bunny as the topper. On the inside, it was filled with Easter eggs, candies, and macaroons. Take a look.
Also Read: Shilpa Shetty And Son Viaan Raj Kundra Bake Heart-Shaped Cake At Home
Well, we can't take our eyes off Viaan-Raj Kundra's birthday cake. Tell us what you think about it.