Food Awards


Aphrodisiacs - 12 News Result(s)
  • Taste The Love: 5 Aphrodisiacs For Valentine's Day
    Taste The Love: 5 Aphrodisiacs For Valentine's Day

    For Valentine's Day, what could be more romantic than a homemade dinner? If you are looking for that dish that says love, look to these five foods, which have been considered aphrodisiacs for centuries.

  • Valentine's Day food: how to get your partner's pulse racing
    Valentine's Day food: how to get your partner's pulse racing

    Armed with a heart-rate monitor and an array of aphrodisiacs, one keen cook attempts to woo his girlfriend. What will you be cooking this Valentine's Day?I never used to see the point of Valentine's Day. ...

  • Valentine's Day: Foods to Put You in the Mood
    Valentine's Day: Foods to Put You in the Mood

    An aphrodisiac is a food or drink that stimulates sexual desires. It is named so after Aphrodite, the Greek goddess of sexuality and love.

  • 4 Natural Aphrodisiacs To Rev Things Up
    4 Natural Aphrodisiacs To Rev Things Up

    The degree of sexual appetite differs from person to person. But if you've lost interest in it significantly, then it's time to give your sex drive a much-needed nudge.

  • 5 Foods To Avoid For A Healthier Sex Life
    5 Foods To Avoid For A Healthier Sex Life

    Think of food as a secret player in your love life. Some, like aphrodisiacs, turn up the heat, while others, the less romantic anaphrodisiacs, cool things down. Let's explore the menu that can spice up ...

  • Aphrodisiac Food, Special Rides for Chennai Couples on V-Day
    Aphrodisiac Food, Special Rides for Chennai Couples on V-Day

    Aphrodisiac dishes, exotic drinks, romantic settings, table dessert, special overnight packages, zorbing, rides in all-terrain vehicle (ATV)/boat and other interesting fare are what star hotels and high-end restaurants here are lining up to treat their...

  • Valentine's Day 2019: 11 Most Romantic Recipes | Best Valentine's Day Recipes
    Valentine's Day 2019: 11 Most Romantic Recipes | Best Valentine's Day Recipes

    It's that time of the year again when everything from the weather to our mood is a bit romantic. It's the most perfect setting when love is in the air, joy in our heart and ...

  • Chironji Health Benefits: 6 Amazing Reasons To Include This Nut In Your Diet!
    Chironji Health Benefits: 6 Amazing Reasons To Include This Nut In Your Diet!

    Chironji is a nut that isn't talked about much, and yet a host of health benefits, from acting a natural coolant to improving reproductive health.

  • 13 Interesting Facts About Chocolates That Will Make You Fall In Love With Them!
    13 Interesting Facts About Chocolates That Will Make You Fall In Love With Them!

    While we don't really need reasons to love chocolates, the following facts related to them will make you want to grab one right now and some may just help you learn more about them

  • Calories In Pomegranate: Here's Why You Should Add This Superfood To Your Diet
    Calories In Pomegranate: Here's Why You Should Add This Superfood To Your Diet

    Let's look at how many calories are in a pomegranate and a few recipes to ensure you include this wonder fruit in your diet.

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