Food Awards

Brain Power

Brain Power - 17 News Result(s)
  • 14 Natural Ways to Improve Brain Power: Train Your Brain
    14 Natural Ways to Improve Brain Power: Train Your Brain

    Want to learn how to increase brain power? Here are 14 ways to train your brain, from meditation to exercise.

  • 7 Most Effective Brain Exercises to Improve Your Memory, Attention and Performance
    7 Most Effective Brain Exercises to Improve Your Memory, Attention and Performance

    The human brain contains billions of nerves that are responsible for carrying out various functions of the body. Brain exercises are therefore important to keep it active.

  • How to Keep Your Brain Sharp as You Age
    How to Keep Your Brain Sharp as You Age

    Old age comes with its own set of inevitable problems and one of them happens to be the rate at which the brain functions. Certain parts of the brain, especially the area of the frontal ...

  • Five Ways to Improve Your Brain Power
    Five Ways to Improve Your Brain Power

    Its possible to radically improve mental agility. Norman Doige, psychiatrist and author of the Brain's Way of Healing, suggests strategies to sharpen your mind.

  • Being Unfit Can Make You Lose Memory
    Being Unfit Can Make You Lose Memory

    According to this new research, fitness has now been linked with mental health. The study suggested that people who are out of shape or over weight struggle to retain information.The research was carried out by ...

  • Yoga Boosts Brain Power in Older Adults
    Yoga Boosts Brain Power in Older Adults

    According to a study conducted by researchers at Illinois, practicing hatha yoga three times a week can dramatically improve brain power in older adults. The study which appeared in the Journals of Gerontology Series A: ...

  • 9 Amazing Black Grapes Benefits: From Heart Health To Gorgeous Skin
    9 Amazing Black Grapes Benefits: From Heart Health To Gorgeous Skin

    Black grapes, which are known for their velvety colour and sweet flavour, come packed with nutrients and antioxidants

  • What's Your Child's IQ? Higher the Score, Longer May Be Their Life
    What's Your Child's IQ? Higher the Score, Longer May Be Their Life

    If your child is smart and has a higher intelligence quotient (IQ), he or she can look forward to a longer life than children with lower IQs, researhcers say.

  • Wonder Dietary Supplement That Boosts Brain Power
    Wonder Dietary Supplement That Boosts Brain Power

    A nutritional supplement high in antioxidants and other natural components can help boost the speed at which the brains of older adults process information. A decline in the underlying brain skills needed to think, remember ...

  • Truth About Brain-Boosting Foods: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly
    Truth About Brain-Boosting Foods: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

    Brain health also requires certain healthy nutrients but there are some foods/nutrients that may damage the brain or affect its health.

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