

Flavonoids - 24 News Result(s)
  • 7 Flavonoid-Rich Foods That May Keep Blood Pressure In Check
    7 Flavonoid-Rich Foods That May Keep Blood Pressure In Check

    Flavonoid-Rich Foods: As heart problems and blood pressure issues shoot up daily, it is important to include these food items in our daily diet.

  • Green Tea, Red Wine, Blueberries and More: Flavonoids Can Help With Cold and Flu
    Green Tea, Red Wine, Blueberries and More: Flavonoids Can Help With Cold and Flu

    Consumption of flavonoids can significantly reduce the risk of catching cough and cold.

  • Flavonoid-Rich Diet May Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease, Cancer In Heavy Smokers And Drinkers: Study
    Flavonoid-Rich Diet May Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease, Cancer In Heavy Smokers And Drinkers: Study

    The study indicated that flavonoids may have health benefits particularly for those who are heavy smokers and alcoholics.

  • Tea and Citrus Fruits May Protect You from Ovarian Cancer
    Tea and Citrus Fruits May Protect You from Ovarian Cancer

    Ovarian cancer is the fifth-leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. Drinking tea has already been associated with reducing ovarian cancer. A Chinese study conducted a while ago showed that tea may assist in lowering ...

  • Hypertension Diet: These Flavonoid-Rich Foods And Drinks May Prevent High Blood Pressure
    Hypertension Diet: These Flavonoid-Rich Foods And Drinks May Prevent High Blood Pressure

    A new study has indicated that consuming flavonoid-rich foods like blueberries and strawberries may help hypertension patients.

  • Diabetes Diet: Eat Onion To Beat The Summer Heat And Regulate Blood Glucose Levels
    Diabetes Diet: Eat Onion To Beat The Summer Heat And Regulate Blood Glucose Levels

    Diabetes diet: Read on to know how you can eat onions to prevent heat stroke symptoms, as well as regulate levels of blood sugar.

  • Berries cut Parkinson's risk by 40 percent
    Berries cut Parkinson's risk by 40 percent

    Eating strawberries, blueberries, blackcurrants and blackberries could help protect against Parkinson's disease in men, researchers say.Men who ate the fruits along with other foods rich in flavonoids were found to be 40 percent less likely ...

  • Strawberries Cut Cardiac Risk in Women
    Strawberries Cut Cardiac Risk in Women

    Strawberries and blueberries eaten thrice a week are likely to help women lower their heart attack risk by a third, new research says.The berries have rich levels of compounds called dietary flavonoids, found in foods ...

  • Easy Way to Protect Heart - Sip Black Tea
    Easy Way to Protect Heart - Sip Black Tea

    Quercetin, a flavonoid abundant in black tea, has shown promise in protecting blood vessels against oxidative damage and lowering cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk, said researchers who based their studies on mice.Flavonoids are common plant pigment ...

  • Eating berries, chocolate may protect you from diabetes
    Eating berries, chocolate may protect you from diabetes

    Having a significant amount of berries, tea and chocolate daily may help protect you from diabetes. According to researchers from University of East Anglia (UEA) and King's College London in Britain, high levels of flavonoids ...

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