Flavonoids are naturally produced substances usually obtained from fruits and vegetables. Known to have anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, anti-mutagenic and anti-carcinogenic properties, flavonoids are said to be extremely good for health. Hypertension and rising blood pressure are some of the pressing issues in recent times. It is seen that flavonoid-rich food may curb the problems and contribute to the thriving health of the heart. A report was published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which stated that – “Anthocyanins and some flavone and flavan-3-ol compounds may contribute to the prevention of hypertension.”
Here Are 7 Flavonoid-Rich Foods That May Keep Blood Pressure In Check:
1. Tea
This hot beverage contains polyphenolic flavonoids which may contribute to the cardiovascular health of the body. Here's a range of recipes you can make with tea as the prime ingredient.
(Also Read: Types of Green Tea: 7 Popular Flavours Everyone Loves)

Green tea is loaded with flavanoids.
2. Apples
This favourite fruit contains three different subclass of flavonoids – flavonols, flavones and flavanols. They are rich in natural substances and can help in the regulation of blood pressure. Meanwhile, check out the dishes you can prepare with apples.
3. Oranges
It is seen that 100 grams of oranges contain around 19.6mg aglycones of flavonoids. Have a freshly squeezed orange boost a day – it may help in keeping your heart healthy.
(Also Read: Drink Up The Goodness Of Orange Juice To Boost Brain Health)

Flavonoids can be found in oranges in abundance.
4. Strawberries
The berries, besides being a treat to the taste buds, is also a rich source of a few types of flavonoids - anthocyanin, catechin, quercetin and kaempferol. They help as antioxidants and may regulate blood pressure. Here's a list of recipes you can make with strawberries.
5. Kale
This green leafy vegetable is a blessing in disguise. It is said to contain more flavonoids than other vegetables and has a healthy effect on the body. Here's how you can include kale in your diet.
(Also Read: Fruits For Weight Loss: 9 Fruits That Help Cut Belly Fat)

Enjoy Kale as a salad to stock up on Flavonoids.
6. Onions
They are also a rich source of flavonoids, mainly anthocyanins, and flavonols such as quercetin. They add flavour to the food and also may keep the blood pressure in check. From soup to marmalade to kababs, onions literally fit anywhere.
7. Red Cabbage
With cyaniding, phenolics, and flavonoids as the prime nutrients, red cabbage acts as an antioxidant for the body. It is suggested to be included in the daily diet. Here's a casserole recipe that can be relished as a tasty and healthy dish.
As heart problems and blood pressure issues shoot up daily, it is important to include these food items in our daily diet. Flavonoids may be the cure we are seeking for a good heart.