Food Awards

Garlic benefits

'Garlic Benefits' - 25 New Result(s)
  • Healthy Indian Food: Add The Goodness Of Garlic To Your Diet With This 'Lahsun Bharta'
    Healthy Indian Food: Add The Goodness Of Garlic To Your Diet With This 'Lahsun Bharta'

    Garlic is also packed with vitamins, minerals, antiviral and antibacterial compounds. This immunes our body and helps to fight several seasonal infections, including the common cough and cold.

  • 7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Garlic
    7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Garlic

    Garlic Benefits: There is something irresistible about the aroma of roasted garlic. It is so captivating with its powerful notes, that it has long been used as a flavour in all kinds of dishes. Read ...

  • 5 Reasons Why Green Garlic Deserves A Special Place On Your Plate This Winter
    5 Reasons Why Green Garlic Deserves A Special Place On Your Plate This Winter

    The winter season is synonymous with a bounty of green delights, with spinach, bathua, sarso ka saag, and fenugreek hogging the limelight. Yet, amid the verdant chatter, one green gem often remains in the shadows ...

  • How To Make Quick Lehsun Ki Chutney At Home
    How To Make Quick Lehsun Ki Chutney At Home

    Garlic chutney, or lehsun ki chutney, is a firm-favourite of those who love garlic and spicy flavours. This hot and tangy chutney is a Rajasthani dish and can be paired with dal baati churma, aloo ...

  • How To Roast Garlic - Health Benefits And Uses
    How To Roast Garlic - Health Benefits And Uses

    Roasting is probably one of the best ways to preserve garlic. You can store it for 3-4 days if kept in a zip-lock bag.

  • Garlic Chips - The Yummiest Way To Enjoy The Benefits Of Garlic (Recipe Inside)
    Garlic Chips - The Yummiest Way To Enjoy The Benefits Of Garlic (Recipe Inside)

    If you do not like eating raw garlic, we have this delicious garlic chips recipe for you. You must give it a try!

  • Garlic Recipes: 8 Of Our Best Recipes For Garlic Lovers To Try!
    Garlic Recipes: 8 Of Our Best Recipes For Garlic Lovers To Try!

    From fried rice to garlic bread, our recipes make the best of garlic's delicious pungency. Read on to unravel the deliciousness..

  • Cooking Tips: 5 Interesting Ways To Add More Garlic To Your Diet (Recipes Inside)
    Cooking Tips: 5 Interesting Ways To Add More Garlic To Your Diet (Recipes Inside)

    Experts around the world often recommend inclusion of garlic in our daily diet. One of the simplest ways of adding garlic in food is in the form of masala.

  • What's the Difference Between Green Garlic and Garlic Scapes?
    What's the Difference Between Green Garlic and Garlic Scapes?

    Green garlic is often mistaken for garlic scapes but it's actually young garlic with tender leaves harvested before the garlic bulb attains its full size.

  • How You Can Use Garlic For Hair Growth: Tips And Benefits
    How You Can Use Garlic For Hair Growth: Tips And Benefits

    Hair loss is essentially unnatural; it's a sign of a deficiency or imbalance in the body. What is it that garlic has, which makes it an excellent hair growth natural ingredient? Let's find out.

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