Food Awards

Metabolic syndrome

'Metabolic Syndrome' - 20 New Result(s)
  • Healthy Gut Bacteria May Prevent Metabolic Syndrome
    Healthy Gut Bacteria May Prevent Metabolic Syndrome

    Metabolic syndrome is a condition where a person is exposed to the risks of developing heart diseases, diabetes and even stroke. A person who suffers from metabolic syndrome has a large waistline coupled with high ...

  • Bad breakfast habits in youth up risk of metabolic syndrome
    Bad breakfast habits in youth up risk of metabolic syndrome

    Teens who eat poor breakfasts are more likely to develop metabolic syndrome - a group of health problems that can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and diabetes - in adulthood, a new study ...

  • Controlling Diet Only Remedy for Metabolic Syndrome
    Controlling Diet Only Remedy for Metabolic Syndrome

    For those suffering from metabolic syndrome, get your diet right; else you are at a greater risk of developing diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Adherence to dietary recommendations is weak among people suffering from metabolic syndrome ...

  • How an Apple Can Define Obesity: Know Your Body Shape
    How an Apple Can Define Obesity: Know Your Body Shape

    Metabolic syndrome encompasses increased sugar levels, high blood pressure, abnormally lipids fractions and fatty liver with the central apple-shaped obesity.

  • Cutting Calories May Dial Back Metabolic Syndrome In Older Adults
    Cutting Calories May Dial Back Metabolic Syndrome In Older Adults

    For overweight and obese older men and women, adding calorie restriction to a resistance training schedule improves at least some metabolic markers, according to a new study.

  • Sun Bathing May Help Prevent Diabetes, Heart Disease: Study
    Sun Bathing May Help Prevent Diabetes, Heart Disease: Study

    Sun bathing and vitamin D supplements may be feasible and affordable approaches to improve or even prevent metabolic syndromes which pose a risk of diabetes and heart disease, a new study has claimed.

  • Eating Walnuts Daily May Improve Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure Levels: Study
    Eating Walnuts Daily May Improve Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure Levels: Study

    A new study has said that consuming walnuts can be particularly beneficial for those suffering from metabolic syndrome and may potentially bring down the risk of developing diabetes in such people.

  • High Blood Sugar And Cholesterol? Study Finds How Intermittent Fasting Can Help
    High Blood Sugar And Cholesterol? Study Finds How Intermittent Fasting Can Help

    A new study has discovered the health benefits of intermittent fasting for prediabetic adults with multiple health conditions including high blood pressure, elevated blood sugar, and abnormal cholesterol.

  • Try Weight Training For a Healthier Heart, Suggest Experts
    Try Weight Training For a Healthier Heart, Suggest Experts

    According to a new study, carried out by researchers from the University of Radboud University Medical Centre, weight training may help in reducing the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes and also keep your ...

  • Drinking These Many Cups Of Coffee Daily May Reduce The Risk Of Heart Problems; Study
    Drinking These Many Cups Of Coffee Daily May Reduce The Risk Of Heart Problems; Study

    Coffee carries the potential of limiting the risk of developing a major cardiovascular-related issue - MetS (metabolic syndrome). MetS (metabolic syndrome) increases the risk of cardiovascular problems, including coronary heart disease and stroke.

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