While diabetes is becoming more of an urban lifestyle disease affecting people of all ages, this new research bears a word of worry for women.The study appeared in the journal Diabetologia, the journal of the ...
ust a few weeks ago, a study was published in the Journal of Nutrition that many reports in the news media said proved that honey was no better than sugar as a sweetener, and that ...
Junk food, coffee and skipping might just be the habits you need to ditch for a better mental wellbeing.
Proteins are one of the most important nutrients required for healthy living. They are one of the building blocks of the body tissue that help in weight management. Most of us know that a meal ...
A research study has shown that cooking turmeric may result in the loss of curcumin compound. How far is this true? Should you stop cooking turmeric altogether?
A previous study indicated that fasting can help strengthen your immunity. According to a new study, fasting can also help in warding off diabetes. While fasting for about 10-12 hours, your body looks out for ...
Researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder studied the connection between a diet high in fats and sugars and heightened anxiety levels.
What could be better than an all-in-one weight loss diet? A recent study at St. Michael's Hospital showed that a modified Atkins diet, called "Eco-Atkins" diet, can be effectively used to reduce weight and lower ...
Other than justifying your religious sentiments, fasting can also add to your health. A new study shows that fasting for eight days in a year can strengthen your immunity.According to the researchers, fasting helps the ...
There is nothing more satisfying than a great bar of chocolate! The flavour, texture and the aroma, all make chocolate deliciously divine. For all the die-hard chocolate fans, here's a reason to celebrate. A group ...