Food Awards

Rice snacks

'Rice Snacks' - 9 New Result(s)
  • Love Rice? Make These 5 Rice-Based Snacks To Sate Mid-Week Hunger
    Love Rice? Make These 5 Rice-Based Snacks To Sate Mid-Week Hunger

    Rice is always a part of our main course, served either as the main dish or a side dish along with gravy. But why stop there? Why not add rice to our snacks as well!

  • Lockdown Snack: Make These Easy Rice Balls With Left-Over Rice (Watch Recipe Video)
    Lockdown Snack: Make These Easy Rice Balls With Left-Over Rice (Watch Recipe Video)

    Snack In Lockdown: We have a habit of using up the left-over in the most creative way possible. This rice ball snack recipe by Mumbai-based blogger Alpa Mis an ingenious way to use your left-over ...

  • How To Make Cheese Rice Cutlet For A Quick Evening Snack
    How To Make Cheese Rice Cutlet For A Quick Evening Snack

    Here we bring one more interesting entrant that is going to be your next favourite. Well, yes! It is called Cheese Rice Cutlet.

  • 5 Quick And Easy Rice-Based Snacks For Tea-Time
    5 Quick And Easy Rice-Based Snacks For Tea-Time

    These snacks are made with basic ingredients like rice, spices, and, a few more. So, what are you waiting for? Let's get started with the recipes; take a look below.

  • 6 Ways To Use Left-Over Rice For Breakfast
    6 Ways To Use Left-Over Rice For Breakfast

    Breakfast Recipes: You would be surprised to know the range of items you can make with cooked rice. From fried rice to cutlets, there are options galore. So quitbeing boring and start thinking.

  • Jhal Muri: What Makes This Kolkata Street Food So Popular?
    Jhal Muri: What Makes This Kolkata Street Food So Popular?

    Jhalmuriwalas dot the streets and lanes of the city, and each neighbourhood proudly boasts of their 'guy'.

  • Have Leftover Rice? Make Yummy Rice Cutlets With Them For Evening Tea
    Have Leftover Rice? Make Yummy Rice Cutlets With Them For Evening Tea

    These rice cutlets are super simple to make and you can add as much veggies as you like in them. Read the recipe inside.

  • 5 Street-Style Murmura Snacks For A Light And Healthy Treat
    5 Street-Style Murmura Snacks For A Light And Healthy Treat

    The best part about these puffed rice snacks is that they are super easy on the stomach and low on calories too. Try these murmura snacks today!

  • Weight Loss: 5 Puffed Rice (Murmura) Snacks To Pair With Your Evening Tea
    Weight Loss: 5 Puffed Rice (Murmura) Snacks To Pair With Your Evening Tea

    A cup of chai is never truly complete without some delicious snacks, no matter how good it may be. So, try out these snacks and make your tea-time a delicious affair.

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