For hot sauce lovers, we have got you this amazing sauce recipe that you can prepare at home in no time.
The speed eater shared that he imagines eating a pumpkin pie while actually gulping down the spicy sauce.
Sriracha, pronounced see-rach-ah, is a type of chilli sauce said to originate in Thailand, named after the coastal city of Si Racha.
If you are one of those who never tire of trying out spicy food, then Dalle Khursani is just what you were looking for. Dalle Khursani is one of the hottest chilies in the world. ...
Priyanka Chopra was invited to be the first guest of the season premiere and tried out hot chicken wings with some really hot sauces that got hotter and spicier with each round.
A video showing the process of making momo chutney is going viral on Instagram.
Scooped tomatoes filled with mixed vegetables simmered in white spicy sauce makes for a mouth-watering dish that is sure to be a crowd pleaser in your party.