To eat or not to eat. If you always wonder if you should eat bananas on a weight loss diet, you are not alone. This sweet fruit with high sugar and carbohydrate level is often considered fattening. The sad part is that it is one of the most delicious fruits out there, so skipping it is not so easy for our mind and taste buds. But what if all this is just a myth? What if banana is not as bad for a weight loss diet as it is deemed to be? On the contrary, if you ask around, you'll find many people in favour of eating bananas to slash excessive fat in the body. Oh, what confusion! But not anymore. We'll conclude the debate right here.
Also Read: 7 Wonderful Benefits Of Banana: How To Include The Fruit In Your Daily Diet
Are bananas good for losing weight?
The answer is yes! Despite being full of carbohydrates, bananas can make you lose weight because of their unique composition of "good" carbohydrates, which come in the form of resistant starch and fibre. As you know, fibre can remarkably fill up your stomach for a long time. This prevents overeating and munching unnecessarily in between meals.
Not to mention, bananas are chock-full of essential nutrients like potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, and other vitamins and minerals that boost overall health and fitness level. Not only are bananas a great breakfast staple for an instant energy boost, but they are also a perfect snack option in between meals and an excellent pre- and post-workout food due to their high satiety level.
Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora ND shares, "The high fibre content in bananas makes it a very satiating food, which helps with weight loss by improving metabolism. In addition, it works as a great sugar substitute and helps curb sweet cravings."
Also Read: Should We Or Shouldn't We Eat Bananas On An Empty Stomach?

Banana offers many health benefits.
Photo Credit: iStock
Happy so far? Wait, there's more.
Belly fat is a gnawing issue that bothers all of us while losing weight. Right? Now let's see...
...Are bananas good or bad for losing belly fat?
Water retention is one of the main causes of fat accumulation and bulge around the waist. Bananas are rich in potassium, which helps cut down water retention. Also, the resistant starch in bananas prevents the carbs from being absorbed by the body. And the high fibre amount facilitates quick digestion, burning belly fat along the way.
Also Read: 10 Best Raw Banana Recipes
Is it okay to eat bananas every day? How many bananas can you eat in a day?
Banana is such a nutrient-dense food that it makes for an ideal addition to your fruit diet every day, even if you are trying to lose weight. But let's not forget that they are also high in carbs and calorie content, so limit your intake to one medium-sized banana a day.
Practise moderation and include banana happily in your weight loss diet plan.
About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.