Losing weight isn't as easy as it seems, especially if you want to maintain a healthy mind and body, while doing so. There are no short cuts in a healthy lifestyle, which is why health experts have always warned against following fad diets that are extremely calorie-restrictive in nature. These fads may harm your health in the long term and this is why healthy weight loss may be difficult to achieve, but it is worth investing your time and energy in. Bringing your body weight down to a healthy level has a number of health benefits that have been proven by researchers time and again. From better heart health to reduction in risks of lifestyle diseases like obesity, diabetes and even reduced risk of mortality- healthy weight loss may improve the quality of your life in a number of ways.
To achieve weight loss in a healthy manner, you need to follow a balanced diet, which is a fact repeated ad nauseam by health experts and nutrition scientists around the world. Research has time and again pointed at certain dietary habit, which can get you the results you're looking for and help you achieve weight loss, albeit slowly but effectively.
Here are some diet-related weight loss facts that are also backed by science:
1. Diet May Be More Important Than Exercise
If you want to lose weight, exercise alone cannot help you. You will have to follow a strict diet as well. Eating a healthy diet is important to make sure you're getting enough nutrients to work out properly. These include proteins, good carbs, healthy fats as well as minerals and vitamins, which are important for boosting your exercising abilities as well as help muscle recovery.
Also Read: Weight Loss: Not Just Protein, These 5 Nutrients Are Also Essential For Shedding Weight Faster

Weight Loss: Diet is more important for weight loss than exercise
2. Fruits and Vegetables Are Crucial
A number of health agencies have defined the portions of fruits and vegetables that one should consume per day, in order to lead a healthy life. Fruits and vegetables are important for weight loss as well- they deliver a powerful punch of fibre and nutrition in very few calories. Fruits and vegetables are filling, due to the high-fibre content and keep you from snacking more often or eating unhealthy food. Swapping your favourite junk foods with veggies can also leave you feeling more energetic for workouts.
Also Read: 6 Workout And Weight Loss Diet Tips From Bollywood's Favourite Fitness Trainer Prashant Sawant
3. Cutting Back On Processed Sugar Works
When it comes to losing weight, sugar can be a hindrance. Added sugar in your diet can sneak in through dips and ketchup, packaged fruit juices, cold drinks, cakes and cookies etc. This can set your weight loss goals back and multiple studies have shown that these are associated with higher risks of obesity, diabetes etc.
4. Not All Carbs Are Bad
People often think that cutting out carbs is a weight loss solution, and although low-carb diets may give you results, following them may not always be a good idea. Some studies have shown that while low-carb diets can help in weight loss, they may also increase risks of several health complications. Including high quality or complex carbs in your diet is not just good for your weight, but is also important to maintain a healthy mind and body.
Also Read: 5 Weight Loss Diet Myths That May Have Been Hindering Your Weight Loss Goals

Weight Loss: Opt for healthy carbs over processed sugar and refined carbs
5. Drink Water
Drinking water at certain times during the day and in adequate amounts daily, can give your weight loss goals a boost. Drinking water before meals, for example, can make you eat lesser. Keeping yourself hydrated can boost metabolism, helping your body burn calories more effectively.
It's important to set realistic goals for yourself and remember that only if you give your body enough time and follow a healthy diet persistently, you will be rewarded with a healthy and fit body.
(This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.)