Let’s admit that burns of all kinds, minor or severe, are nasty and painful. But they happen to be one of the most common household injuries. Especially while cooking or baking, unpleasant burn injuries can often give one a tough time. Then there are severe burns which can be caused by direct contact with fire or a heated object. In medical terminology, burns are classified as per their severity. The first-degree burn which affects only the outer layer of skin are considered to be the least severe as compared to the second or third degree where it affects deeper layers of the skin, cause blisters or damage all layers of skin deep within. The third degree burns are considered medical emergencies and should only be treated in a hospital. Mild burns, on the other hand, can be treated at home with some effective home remedies. Burns take about two to three weeks to heal completely if treated properly and attended to immediately.
1. Cool water and compressThe basic first aid after any minor burn is to run cool water over the burn area for about 15 to 20 minutes and then wash the affected area with mild soap and water. Apply an ointment ony after you are through with this step. For a better relief prepare a cold compress with a clean wet cloth and place it over the burn area. This might help the pain and swelling. Press it against the affected area in the interval of 10 to 15 minutes. Never use ice water on your burns. Ice or ice water can restrict blood flow to the skin, and can cause further damage to the tissue.

2. Aloe veraAnother addition to aloe-vera’s long list of benefits. Aloe vera can also be used to treat first degree burns. The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera makes it an excellent healer. It also promotes circulation around the burn, which further restricts the growth of bacteria in that area, thus preventing any chance of countering infections. For best results, apply a layer of pure aloe-vera gel taken from the leaf of an aloe-vera plant on to the affected area. If you are applying store bought aloe vera products make sure it contains high concentration of aloe-vera.

3. Honey
Honey with its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties can also help heal minor burns. Take cotton swab or a towel dip it in a teaspoon of honey and massage gently for effective results. While it hasn't been proven yet; however, most households are believed to bring honey in to use as quick home remedy for mild burns. The healthful properties of honey can somewhat help in reducing the pain and burning sensation. (Also Read: 7 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Mouth Ulcers)
4. Coconut oilOne of the traditional remedies for burns, coconut oil is packed with vitamin E. Vitamin E not only treats the burn but also heals the skin. For the post burn mark on your skin, you can mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice to a teaspoon of coconut oil and massage on the mark. The acidic properties present in lemon juice would help lighten the mark. Coconut oil is also packed with many anti-fungal properties which can further prevent any infection over the burn. (Also Read: 7 Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Face For A Beauty Boost)
5. Vinegar The healing properties of acetic acid in vinegar can help relieve pain, itching and inflammation that comes along with the vinegar. The vinegar also pulls heat from the burn, thereby nulling the pain naturally. Take a cotton swab dip it in a teaspoon of vinegar and dab on the burnt area gently for the desired effect. The astringent properties of vinegar will also keep you burn from becoming infected.

As they say, prevention is better than cure, it is always advisable to ensure extra care if one is handling task that can lead to a severe burn. In case the pain of the burn is too much, it is recommended to rush to a hospital at the earliest. For milder burns - the sort we often get when in the Kitchen - try these home remedies for relief.
Here are some home remedies to treat mild burns, reduce pain, prevent infections, and heal the skin faster.
1. Cool water and compressThe basic first aid after any minor burn is to run cool water over the burn area for about 15 to 20 minutes and then wash the affected area with mild soap and water. Apply an ointment ony after you are through with this step. For a better relief prepare a cold compress with a clean wet cloth and place it over the burn area. This might help the pain and swelling. Press it against the affected area in the interval of 10 to 15 minutes. Never use ice water on your burns. Ice or ice water can restrict blood flow to the skin, and can cause further damage to the tissue.

The basic first aid after any minor burn is to run cool water over the burn area
2. Aloe veraAnother addition to aloe-vera’s long list of benefits. Aloe vera can also be used to treat first degree burns. The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera makes it an excellent healer. It also promotes circulation around the burn, which further restricts the growth of bacteria in that area, thus preventing any chance of countering infections. For best results, apply a layer of pure aloe-vera gel taken from the leaf of an aloe-vera plant on to the affected area. If you are applying store bought aloe vera products make sure it contains high concentration of aloe-vera.

Aloe vera can also be used to treat first degree burns
3. Honey
Honey with its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties can also help heal minor burns. Take cotton swab or a towel dip it in a teaspoon of honey and massage gently for effective results. While it hasn't been proven yet; however, most households are believed to bring honey in to use as quick home remedy for mild burns. The healthful properties of honey can somewhat help in reducing the pain and burning sensation. (Also Read: 7 Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Mouth Ulcers)

Honey with its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties can also help heal minor burns

Coconut oil is packed with vitamin E
5. Vinegar The healing properties of acetic acid in vinegar can help relieve pain, itching and inflammation that comes along with the vinegar. The vinegar also pulls heat from the burn, thereby nulling the pain naturally. Take a cotton swab dip it in a teaspoon of vinegar and dab on the burnt area gently for the desired effect. The astringent properties of vinegar will also keep you burn from becoming infected.

The healing properties of acetic acid in vinegar can help relieve pain
As they say, prevention is better than cure, it is always advisable to ensure extra care if one is handling task that can lead to a severe burn. In case the pain of the burn is too much, it is recommended to rush to a hospital at the earliest. For milder burns - the sort we often get when in the Kitchen - try these home remedies for relief.
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.
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