Food allergies are common but in some cases it becomes tough to diagnose them. They can cause different symptoms in different people and can have some severe effects on your health too such as choking, breathlessness and even stroke. Simply put, eating certain foods can sometimes trigger an abnormal immune response. This usually happens because your immune system wrongly recognizes some proteins in your food as harmful and launches mechanisms to protect your body which can lead to inflammation and release of chemicals that may adversely affect you. Here are some foods that are commonly known to trigger allergies. If you feel uneasy after having them make sure you consult your doctor to find out if you could be allergic to it.1. MilkA lot of people seem to be allergic to cow's milk and this allergy is commonly noticed in children. Therefore, it is suggested not to give babies cow's milk at least till they are six months old. People tend to have a reaction to the IgE allergy within 5 to 10 minutes of milk consumption. You may experience symptoms such as hives, vomiting and diarrhea.
A lot of people seem to be allergic to cow's milk
2. NutsTree nuts such as cashews, almonds, pistachios and pine nuts are all known to cause trigger allergic reactions. Allergy to one kind of nut often leads to the risk of developing an allergy to other nuts too. People who are allergic to nuts must also avoid nut butter and nut oil. While some allergies may die down over the years, nut allergy is known to be a lifelong condition. (Also read: 5 Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies)
People who are allergic to nuts must also avoid nut butter and nut oil3. ShellfishThis kind of allergy is triggered on consumption of crustacean and mollusk families of fish such as shrimp, prawn, lobster, squid and scallops. It happens when the body starts attacking the proteins found in such seafood and a common trigger is a particular type of protein called tropomyosin. It can cause diarrhea, vomiting and stomach pain.
This kind of allergy is triggered due to the proteins in shellfish. Photo Credit: Istock4. WheatWheat allergy has become quite common these days. It happens due an allergic response to one of the proteins present in wheat. This should not be confused with Celiac Disease which is caused due to the presence of a particular protein called gluten in various grains including wheat. People with a wheat allergy need to avoid only wheat and can tolerate all the other grains but people with Celiac Disease have to avoid all grains that contain gluten. Wheat allergy may cause bloating, rashes, digestive problems and even swelling.
Wheat allergy has become quite common these days. 5. SoyAllergies to soy beans and soy products are also common in kids but in most cases they tend to outgrow such allergies. Soy allergy may lead to a runny nose, itchiness, rash and even breathing difficulties.
Allergies to soy beans and soy products are also common in kids6. EggsAn egg allergy often has hidden symptoms and therefore, may go undetected for a while. For some people, their throat may swell up and they may find if difficult to breathe even when they take a bite of a food that contains egg. Some studies have also shown that an egg allergy may be linked to skin inflammation.
An egg allergy often has hidden symptoms. Photo Credit: IstockThese are the most common foods that cause allergies but there some other foods too that are less risky but may trigger allergies such as raw onions, flaxseeds, mushrooms, sugar, garlic and more. Watch out for them and make sure you get in touch with a medical expert if any of these foods make you feel uneasy.

2. NutsTree nuts such as cashews, almonds, pistachios and pine nuts are all known to cause trigger allergic reactions. Allergy to one kind of nut often leads to the risk of developing an allergy to other nuts too. People who are allergic to nuts must also avoid nut butter and nut oil. While some allergies may die down over the years, nut allergy is known to be a lifelong condition. (Also read: 5 Home Remedies for Seasonal Allergies)
