From Beyoncé with her maple syrup and cayenne pepper regime to Mariah Carey eating only purple food three days a week, the diets of the rich and famous are a source of endless fascination. In a series called Still Diet, photographer Dan Bannino has created still lives of the meals that echo the old masters
Mariah Carey's Purple Diet.
Charles Saatchi's Nine-Egg-a-Day Diet.Matthew McConaughey's High-Protein Diet.Kate Moss's Celebrity Party Diet.Bill Clinton's Cabbage Soup Diet.Gwyneth Paltrow's Detox Diet.Beyoncé's cleansing diet.Simon Cowell's Superfood Smoothie Diet.

Mariah Carey's Purple Diet.
Charles Saatchi's Nine-Egg-a-Day Diet.Matthew McConaughey's High-Protein Diet.Kate Moss's Celebrity Party Diet.Bill Clinton's Cabbage Soup Diet.Gwyneth Paltrow's Detox Diet.Beyoncé's cleansing diet.Simon Cowell's Superfood Smoothie Diet.