Losing weight is a strenuous process. The best way to do so is to switch to a healthy and strict diet plan along with a regular exercise regime but this may not be as easy as it seems. Many health experts suggest avoiding fatty and fried foods as they are responsible for inducing weight gain. While you may have a list of foods that you shouldn't eat to shed some kilos, you should also know that there are certain foods that you must not cut off from your diet if you're looking to lose weight. In fact, skipping these super healthy foods may lead to weight gain and totally ruin your goals. According to Wellness Expert Sonia Narang from Delhi, "If you want to lose weight, do not forget to add foods that are rich in fiber, low in calories, full of proteins and also those that contain omega-3 fats to your daily diet. If you avoid these nutrients, there is a chance that you may end up gaining weight instead of losing it due to a sluggish metabolism and more fat accumulation. Cutting off these five foods from your diet may make you gain weight. So, if you want to lose weight in a quick and healthy way make sure you always have them in your diet plan. 1. EggsEggs are great for weight loss and they are packed with numerous nutrients. They are an excellent source of protein, which makes you feel fuller for longer so you eat lesser in the next meals. If you are looking to lose weight and do not include eggs in your breakfast meal, you may end overeating during lunch which can lead to weight gain. One egg only contains 70 to 78 calories and so, it can fit into your weight loss diet plan easily.
Eggs are great for weight loss and they are packed with numerous nutrients
2. Green vegetablesGreen leafy delights are not only power-packed with nutrients but also help in weight loss. These vegetables have fewer calories as compared to other foods. They are high in fiber and proteins along with other minerals like iron and potassium. Eat them steamed, baked, cooked or just toss them in salads. The fiber and protein in these vegetables not only help you cut down on taking in more calories by keeping you full for longer, but also help in boosting your metabolism. Other than this cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are low in calories and incredibly filling. They also have a high protein content than most vegetables, so you must never avoid them.
Green leafy delights are not only power-packed with nutrients but also help in weight loss3. Whole grainsMost people may think that whole grains contain a huge amount of carbs, and so they tend to avoid them. However, the truth is that whole grains are high in fiber, complex carbohydrates and water content. Whole grains may promote weight loss through various mechanisms that involve managing satiety and glucose and insulin responses. You can include whole grains like brown rice, oats and quinoa in your diet. They are very satisfying and healthy. In fact, nutritionists suggests that cutting off complex carbs like whole grains from your diet is the biggest blunder you can make as you may not be able to sustain the weight loss in the long run.
You can include whole grains like brown rice, oats and quinoa in your diet.
4. LentilsYou can add lentils to your weight loss diet without feeling guilty. Lentils are long known for their protein and fiber content. High fiber foods take a little longer for you to chew that gives the body plenty of time to register that it is full and so you are less likely to over-eat. This way you will be able to cut down on your hunger pangs and binging at odd hours and eventually prevent unnecessary weight gain. Lentils and legumes like black beans and kidney beans are also low in calories and fats.
You can add lentils to your weight loss diet without feeling guilty5. Fish
If you are a non-vegetarian, you must include fish like sardine, tuna and salmon in your diet. Fish consists of good quality protein and omega 3 fatty acids that help in maintaining healthy weight. It is considered good for your brain, heart and other body organs. Omega-3 fatty acids help you build muscle and the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns.
If you are a non-vegetarian, you must include fish like sardine, tuna and salmon in your dietFods that you thought were not helpful may prove to be just perfect for weight loss, so include these foods in your daily diet and get the desired results.

2. Green vegetablesGreen leafy delights are not only power-packed with nutrients but also help in weight loss. These vegetables have fewer calories as compared to other foods. They are high in fiber and proteins along with other minerals like iron and potassium. Eat them steamed, baked, cooked or just toss them in salads. The fiber and protein in these vegetables not only help you cut down on taking in more calories by keeping you full for longer, but also help in boosting your metabolism. Other than this cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are low in calories and incredibly filling. They also have a high protein content than most vegetables, so you must never avoid them.

4. LentilsYou can add lentils to your weight loss diet without feeling guilty. Lentils are long known for their protein and fiber content. High fiber foods take a little longer for you to chew that gives the body plenty of time to register that it is full and so you are less likely to over-eat. This way you will be able to cut down on your hunger pangs and binging at odd hours and eventually prevent unnecessary weight gain. Lentils and legumes like black beans and kidney beans are also low in calories and fats.

If you are a non-vegetarian, you must include fish like sardine, tuna and salmon in your diet. Fish consists of good quality protein and omega 3 fatty acids that help in maintaining healthy weight. It is considered good for your brain, heart and other body organs. Omega-3 fatty acids help you build muscle and the more muscle you have, the more calories your body burns.
