Ever wondered why despite being on the best of diet and routine, you are hardly losing any weight? At times, there are other factors that may affect the extra inches around the tummy too. For instance, excess stress levels are known to up the levels of cortisol hormone, which leads to weight gain. Inadequate sleep is also said to trigger the hunger hormone ghrelin and induce weight gain. Similarly, poor digestion may also contribute to weight gain; or if we put it the other way around, good digestion may facilitate effective weight loss. Read on to know how. You may know of the common consequences of poor digestion like bloating, heartburn, constipation, diarrhoea and gas. But, you may not have known how intimately it is tied with weight loss, too. Poor digestion would mean that the body is finding it hard to break down the foods. The process of digestion is perhaps one of the most important processes that is carried out by the body. A poor digestion would mean that the nutrients from the food are not being optimally utilised, which can severely affect our body's metabolism.
Consultant Nutritionist Dr. Rupali Datta explains, "Bad digestion can lead to weight gain, as we are not able to absorb and assimilate our nutrients properly, moreover, it may not be able to eliminate waste from our body efficiently either. This may lead to slowing down of the metabolic rate, which makes it more difficult to burn calories properly."(Also Read:Benefits of Vajrasana: One Pose to Solve All Your Tummy Troubles)
Macrobiotic Nutritionist and Health Practitioner Shilpa Arora ND agrees and further highlights the important link between proper absorption of food and weight loss, "a good digestion ensures that the nutrients are absorbed well, hence, the body is satiated with moderate to small portions. If your food is nutrient deficient, you will feel hungry all the time, as the body is craving micro and macro nutrients. A well-balanced diet would lead to effective digestion, which further aids weight loss." Weight gain is also closely tied to the toxic build up in the digestive tract. Avoid foods that are high on calorie, trans fats and those that promote water retention. Replace unhealthy trans and saturated fats with healthier monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats found in avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil. They are not only easier to digest, they don't even lead to toxin build up.How To Improve Digestion1. Eat Fibre-Rich FoodsFibre-rich foods facilitate healthy digestion. They add bulk to your stool and ensure healthy bowel movements. Eating fibre-rich foods help induce the feeling of fullness, which makes sure you don't tend to binge on other high fattening food. Some of the bets fibre-rich foods you can include to your diet are guavas, apples, whole grains, avocado and spinach. (Also Read:5 High Fibre, Weight- Loss Friendly Snacks You Can Munch Through The Day)
2. Drink Plenty Of WaterOur intestines use water to push the digested waste through the system and smoothen it so that it can be easily eliminated. It is advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Low water intake leads to constipation and the build-up of toxins in the body, and this in turn, increases your risk of developing more complicated digestive issues. (Also Read: How Much Water Should You Be Drinking Daily?)
3. Add Probiotics To Your DietIncluding more probiotics in your diet helps promote healthy digestion. Probiotic sources are yogurt and soy milk, which are some good foods you can include. Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that have a beneficial effect on our digestive system. By ensuring good gut flora, probiotic make sure that body is healthy by combating the effects of poor diet, antibiotics and stress. Probiotics also help enhance nutrient absorption, strengthen the immune system and even treat IBS. (Also Read: 6 Impressive Health Benefits of Eating Curd (Yogurt) Daily)
4. Increase Your Digestive Fire With The Help Of AyurvedaAccording to "The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies," before each meal, chop or grate a little fresh ginger and add a few drops of lime with a pinch of salt and chew it up. This would help ignite the digestive fire and stimulate digestion. You can also try bay leaf. All you need to do is steep half teaspoon of crushed or ground up bay leaf in a cup of hot water for about 10 minutes to make a tea. Add a pinch of cardamom and drink after having your food.
Follow these steps and make sure both your digestion and weight loss are carried out effectively.
Consultant Nutritionist Dr. Rupali Datta explains, "Bad digestion can lead to weight gain, as we are not able to absorb and assimilate our nutrients properly, moreover, it may not be able to eliminate waste from our body efficiently either. This may lead to slowing down of the metabolic rate, which makes it more difficult to burn calories properly."(Also Read:Benefits of Vajrasana: One Pose to Solve All Your Tummy Troubles)

Bad digestion can lead to weight gain, as we are not able to absorb and assimilate our nutrients

Fibre add bulk to your stool and ensure healthy bowel movements
2. Drink Plenty Of WaterOur intestines use water to push the digested waste through the system and smoothen it so that it can be easily eliminated. It is advised to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. Low water intake leads to constipation and the build-up of toxins in the body, and this in turn, increases your risk of developing more complicated digestive issues. (Also Read: How Much Water Should You Be Drinking Daily?)

Low water intake leads to constipation

Including more probiotics in your diet helps promote healthy digestion

ginger helps ignite gastric fire
About Sushmita SenguptaSharing a strong penchant for food, Sushmita loves all things good, cheesy and greasy. Her other favourite pastime activities other than discussing food includes, reading, watching movies and binge-watching TV shows.
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