The last in the series, Virabhadrasana III, is challenging, but once you master the posture, there are myriad benefits that you take away from this asana. However intimidating it may seem at first, Warrior Pose III challenges your stamina, flexibility and balance, all at the same time. As you lift your leg higher in the air and bend forward to make a 'T' with your leg, back and arms - all parallel the ground - you actively engage the entire body.

Virabhadrasana III and its benefits
The pose falls in the category of forward bend postures, it therefore works on the abdominal region aiding in losing belly fat. According to Anju Kalhan, Yoga expert, Vivafita fitness centre, Delhi, "Warrior Pose III works on the digestive organs and helps in relieving acidity and gas as well. It corrects the spinal alignment, as the shoulders are stretched, as your arms stick out in the front." As the pose involves balancing the entire body weight on a single leg, it strengthens the leg muscles as well. The asana involves focus and one needs to balance and hold the pose, this has positive effects on the mind and concentration. It fortifies abdominal muscles too.
"The posture is excellent for balancing your body, concentration as well as the entire nervous system. It also helps in mental ailments and issues related to brain shrinkage," shares Yogacharya Anoop, Chaitanya Foundation.
"The Warrior Pose III works on your hamstring, hip, shoulders and upper spine. In addition to this, it strengthens the legs as well," according to Mithilesh Kumar, M.A in Yoga and a Yoga expert.
How to get into the pose
- Get into Warrior Pose I
- Take your hands behind you, clasp and stretch.
- Now start tipping forward
- Push yourself forward and start bending down with your rear leg getting elevated gradually
- Aim to make a 'T' with your leg, back and head, all in one line and parallel to the floor. The other leg will be still, balancing your body weight.
- Keep your hands next your hip, slowly bring them in front and stretch out
- Hold for 20-30 breaths on each leg

Things to keep in mind
Those who suffer from knee problems should avoid doing the warrior pose. The pose puts a lot of stress on one leg at a time; it can therefore aggravate any existing knee ailment. People with slipped disk, heart troubles or high blood pressure, should also skip practicing this pose. "Do not practice it during the advance stages of pregnancy," noted Ms. Kalhan. The Warrior Pose III is a pretty advanced yogic posture and should be done under supervision.
"While getting into Virabhadrasana III, your entire body is stretched in opposite directions. Your leg is stretched out while you go out with your hands in front. Inhale while getting into the pose, you can hold your breath for a while and release to follow normal breathing or continue breathing normally throughout the practice," concluded Mithilesh Kumar.