Caviar is a popular delicacy and a popular part of gourmet cuisines across the globe. It is a type of seafood coming from the roe of a special fish called sturgeon. Caviar is commonly used as a garnish for ambrosial meals and is known to level up the taste of any dish it is added to. Those tiny egg-like spongy balls spattered on your dish at high-end restaurants are caviars. The food is a mixture of both salty and sweet flavours and bursts in the mouth oozing out a buttery liquid that charges up our taste buds. Caviar is so delicious that some people love to eat it raw while some like to have it with their pancakes, blinis, toast or with plain rice. You can even add it to your pasta or appetisers for a hearty meal.
(Also Read: Shweta Bachchan Nanda - Of Being Vegetarian and Still Loving Caviar)
Caviar is one of the most-desired foods but it comes at a huge price. So, it's common to find it at a fine dining restaurant, but it's not a common ingredient for home cooking. That said, caviar is a preferred choice of most of the chefs around the world. But, did you know where all that caviar comes from? China!
Yes, China produces most of the caviar that we get across the globe. They call their sturgeon fish 'black gold', which helps them rake up a lot of money due to its pricey caviar. The caviar 'queen' produces a humungous amount of eggs containing caviar that has gained the respect of caviar connoisseurs, worldwide.
Most of the Chinese caviar is procured from the sturgeons living in a lake in the mountainous region of Zhejiang province. The caviar is processed in the Quzhou plant that plans to increase their production to 35 tonnes per year.
(Also Read: World's Largest Tin of Caviar in Dubai Breaks Guinness World Record)

Caviar is commonly used as a garnish
Sturgeon is no ordinary fish. Here are some interesting facts about the sturgeons and their caviar -
- Sturgeons produce between 10 and 15 kilos of caviar.
- The average price of caviar is about $180,000 per kilo. So, they are worth around $2m, which is roughly the price of Ferrari sedan.
- Mature sturgeon produce better caviar. The plant uses fish that are 7 to 10 years old.
Caviar is a gift that China has given to the world. As long as the caviar 'queen' rules the world, we can enjoy the best of meals.
About Neha GroverLove for reading roused her writing instincts. Neha is guilty of having a deep-set fixation with anything caffeinated. When she is not pouring out her nest of thoughts onto the screen, you can see her reading while sipping on coffee.