Bollywood Actress Preity Zinta rang in her 46th birthday on January 31, 2021. Wishes poured in for the dimpled beauty from friends and family from across the globe. Known for her charming smile and acting prowess, Preity stepped into the showbiz world with Mani Ratnam's 'Dil Se...' in 1998, followed by 'Soldier' the same year. And there-after, there was no looking back. She ruled the box office for years with movies like 'Chori Chori Chupke Chupke', 'Dil Chahta Hain', 'Veer Zara', 'Koi...Mil Gaya' and more. Besides her strong acting career, the actress also ventured into sports and is the co-owner of IPL team Kings XI Punjab.
Married to Los Angeles-based financial analyst Gene Goodenough in 2016, the chirpy actress of Bollywood today leads a calm and peaceful life with her husband in the USA. And scrolling down her Instagram handle, one will find Preity sharing slices of her life and emotions with the world and her followers. Keeping up with the tradition, she recently took to her Instagram handle and thanked each and every one who wished her on the special day. And trust us it was all about sweet indulgences. Take a look:
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The first story she posted on Instagram included a strawberry-blueberry cake, some muffins and a bouquet of pink roses. "Thank you all for the birthday wishes," she wrote alongside.
Also Read: Watch: Preity Zinta Has A Hilarious Diet Tip To Prevent Weight Gain During Holidays!
In the next few stories, she thanked her friends for sending over a delicious apple pie, another cake and a bag-full of cookies. Sounds delicious, right?
We wish the cute and chirpy actress Preity Zinta belated Happy Birthday!
About Somdatta SahaExplorer- this is what Somdatta likes to call herself. Be it in terms of food, people or places, all she craves for is to know the unknown. A simple aglio olio pasta or daal-chawal and a good movie can make her day.