Rhea Kapoor has certainly marked herself on the Bollywood map. While the filmmaker and fashion stylist is best known for her hit movies 'Aisha,' 'Veere Di Wedding' and 'Khoobsurat,' Rhea also co-owns a clothing line - 'Rheason' with her sister Sonam Kapoor. But this is not it, if you follow Rhea Kapoor on social media, then you know that she is also a big-time food lover! From cooking lavish feasts, succulent burgers, and some lip-smacking seafood to launching her own ice cream flavours, Rhea certainly knows how to indulge. A look through her Instagram and it will surely make you hungry for some exotic food!
(Also Read: 'The Happiest I've Been In Weeks,' Says Rhea Kapoor; Here's Why)
Recently, the filmmaker shared a photo of a yummy Mexican feast that will make you drool. In the photo, you can see tacos, Mexican rice, tortillas, a carrousel of baked veggies, and bowls full of dips, sauces and sides. On the post Rhea wrote "Rhea's Sunday Cantina. DIY short rib tacos, baja fish tacos, sweet potato enchiladas in green Chile, Elotes, beans and Spanish rice" Take a look:
If this delicious and wholesome meal has made you crave some Mexican food, then trust us, we understand how you feel. So, if you also want to cook up feasts just like Rhea's, then check out these easy to make, vibrant and fiery Mexican recipes.
(Also Read: Rhea Kapoor Just Had One Of Her 'Best Lockdown Meals' - Here's What She Had On Menu)
As Rhea and her friends seemed to enjoy this yummy dinner, Rhea's skills as a chef truly show her culinary love. Earlier, the filmmaker has also posted about a yummy lamb cheddar burger with a chilli honey pizza and called her food her "babies."
And this is not it; if you are looking for some great recipe ideas, then check out what else has Rhea Kapoor cooked.