Bollywood veteran Sharmila Tagore celebrated her 75th birthday on Sunday with her family. The ever-so graceful actor, known for some of the most iconic Bollywood movies, was surrounded by her loved ones including daughter, actor and writer Soha Ali Khan and granddaughter Inaaya. On the occasion of her mother's birthday, Soha made it all the more special by posting a heartfelt birthday greeting that we simply can't get over. Soha posted a picture of her daughter curled up in her grandmother's lap with a pancake on the dining table and 'happy b'day' written on the plate with chocolate sauce.
Soha captioned the post as 'Birthday pancakes!!". The evergreen beauty, Sharmila Tagore is seen smiling ear-to-ear and do we even need to mention how cute little Inaaya looks with those hazel eyes looking straight into the camera?!
Have a look at the post here:
(Also Read: Soha Ali Khan's 40th Birthday Cake Looks Dazzling! (See Pics))
Several celebrities also commented on Soha Ali Khan's post. Dia Mirza and Shweta Bachchan left heart emojis on the post while Neha Dhupia wrote, "Happy happy happy birthday Sharmila aunty... we send you all our love. Come back soon Innu... Mehrunissa misses Inni." Sonam Kapoor on the other hand couldn't help but point out how Inaaya, just like her mother, resembles her grandmother. In her comment she said, "She looks like your mom Soha, which means she looks just like you."
With the recent pictures of Soha and her husband Kunal Kemmu, it looks like the family is out on a safari at the Ranthambore National Park. Earlier on the birthday eve, Soha shared another picture on her Instagram story. It featured her elegant mother, Sharmila sitting by a table and smiling with an Indian traditional thali spread out in front of her along with a vintage-style lit lantern on the side.
Here's wishing Sharmila Tagore many more years of a healthy life ahead!
About Aanchal MathurAanchal doesn't share food. A cake in her vicinity is sure to disappear in a record time of 10 seconds. Besides loading up on sugar, she loves bingeing on FRIENDS with a plate of momos. Most likely to find her soulmate on a food app.