Food Awards


Resveratrol - 9 News Result(s)
  • This Compound in Wine May Help Treat Osteoporosis
    This Compound in Wine May Help Treat Osteoporosis

    Resveratrol, a natural compound commonly found in wine and grapes, has long been under the spotlight of health experts for its healing properties. Previous scientific studies have established that this compound can help fight free ...

  • This Compound in Red Wine May Prevent Cancer
    This Compound in Red Wine May Prevent Cancer

    A certain compound found in red wine, grapes and nuts is believed to have some miraculous properties. Resveratrol has got a lot of attention from health experts and scientists who have been studying the various ...

  • Compound in Fruits, Nuts & Red Wine Acts as Natural Exercise Booster
    Compound in Fruits, Nuts & Red Wine Acts as Natural Exercise Booster

    Resveratrol, a bio-compound found in some fruits, nuts and red wine, is likely to boost exercise training and performance, says a new research.Principal investigator Jason Dyck from the University of Alberta and his team found ...

  • Can Chocolate and Red Wine Cure Cancer?
    Can Chocolate and Red Wine Cure Cancer?

    For long, chocolate and red wine have been in the limelight for their anti-cancer properties. According to previous studies, an antioxidant found in red wine could inhibit the growth of cancer cells and also improve ...

  • Add Grapes to Your Daily Fruit Bowl to Lower Colon Cancer Risk
    Add Grapes to Your Daily Fruit Bowl to Lower Colon Cancer Risk

    Daily consumption of grapes may help in killing colon cancer stem cells due to the presence of a compound known as Resveratrol.

  • Red Wine Compound Prevents Hearing Loss
    Red Wine Compound Prevents Hearing Loss

    Resveratrol, a red wine compound, also seems to prevent hearing loss, besides warding off heart disease, cancer and dementia, says a study.In a study conducted by the Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, healthy rats administered reseveratrol ...

  • Regular Exercise Maximizes Health Benefits of Wine
    Regular Exercise Maximizes Health Benefits of Wine

    A lot has been talked about the benefits of consuming wine.  Earlier studies have indicated that red and white wine increases the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), the good cholesterol. Resveratrol, a type of antioxidant ...

  • Antioxidant Found in Wine May Help Fight Acne
    Antioxidant Found in Wine May Help Fight Acne

    Drinking wine has long been associated with skin benefits including slowing down skin's ageing process. The anti-oxidants found in wine like polyphenols and resveratrol help fight free radicals that are associated with ageing. A recent ...

  • Garlic And Red Wine For Weight Loss: Just 3 Tablespoons Of This Potion May Help Burn Belly Fat
    Garlic And Red Wine For Weight Loss: Just 3 Tablespoons Of This Potion May Help Burn Belly Fat

    There are certain food combinations that can result in quicker weight loss. Red wine and garlic is one such combination. Here's how you can make fat burn potion with red wine and garlic.

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