Turmeric Benefits - Coined as the most powerful spices of all, haldi has been every Indian household's go-to fix for a variety of health problems for centuries.
Food needs to be refrigerated in order to arm against harmful bacterial action. But do we know what and what not to chill?
Before you reach out for that steaming spread of chatpata pakodas, look through this list of food items that could do you more harm than good during the Monsoon season.
It can be fun to follow certain food habits and traditions to ward off bad luck or turn around an unrequited love.
From 'dont eat anything post 8 pm' to 'grease will make you fat', we blindly follow whatever new diet tip sounds 'right' to us. It is high time these myths are debunked and the facts are laid out on the table.
If the usual Yoga practice in the studio is getting too humdrum for you, here are some latest trends in the ancient art to fire up your fitness regime. From bold and experimental to downright bizarre, there is something for everyone.