Health benefits of nuts are well-known and most diets would tell you that an unreasonable hunger pang is best put to rest with a handful of nuts. Walnuts, in particular, are considered to be a treasure trove of nutrients, making them an essential addition to your daily meals. The brain-shaped nuts are quite versatile, allowing them to be used in a plethora of dishes - ranging from sweet to savoury. According to experts, walnuts are loaded with protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, among other nutrients. Moreover, it is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acid. Owing to this, the nuts play a pivotal role in regulating diabetes and heart health. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it a good option to include if you are trying to shed a few extra kilograms.
Given the numerous health benefits that walnuts bring along, it would be a good idea to include the nuts in your breakfast. If you are wondering how to do this, you are at the right place. We have curated a list of 5 yummy breakfast recipes that are packed with the goodness of walnuts. Check out.
1. Walnut, berry and beetroot smoothie bowl
Is there anything better than a refreshing smoothie bowl to begin your day? This recipe, which is also perfect for a hot summer day, is loaded with the goodness of walnuts and berries. The beetroot, ginger and mint leaves that add some zing into the recipe, also ensure that you are beginning the day with a nutrient-packed meal. The best part? You can whip this dish up in just 15 minutes. Click here for the recipe.
Also Read: 7 Reasons Why Walnuts Must Be Included In Diet To Lose Extra Kilos

2. Matcha avocado walnut smoothie
If you are not a breakfast person and prefer to just have a smoothie on your way to work, we have a special recipe for you. This smoothie is a combination of refreshing ingredients such as matcha, avocado, walnuts and banana. Ready in under 5 minutes, this recipe makes being healthy look easy. Follow the recipe here.
3. Spinach pancakes with oats and walnuts
If you think pancakes cannot be healthy, it's because you haven't tried this recipe yet. The pancakes are loaded with the goodness of the leafy vegetable, and the richness of walnuts and oats. The ingredients are blended together with some vanilla extract to add a tinge of sweetness. Click here for the recipe.
Also Read: Adding Walnut Raita To Your Diet May Help Promote Heart Health (Recipe Inside)

4. Indian style poached eggs with spicy avocado, cheese and walnut
Who doesn't like a well-made plate of eggs? And poached eggs, while a little tricky to make, is the perfect breakfast ahead of a long day at work. This special recipe brings you the poached eggs with a desi twist and combines the nutrition of avocado and walnuts with it. Take a look at the recipe.
5. Banana-walnut smoothie
Smoothies are the perfect way to kick off a long day at work or end your morning workout routine. This smoothie recipe combines the nutritional benefits of bananas and walnuts to energize your body for the rest of the day. You can also add some goodies such as chia seeds and flax seeds to take the health quotient of the drink up by a notch. Check the recipe here.
From a midday snack to the perfect breakfast accompaniment, there is so much you can do with walnuts. Tell us which recipe you are trying out first.