1. Eggs
Eggs are great sources of high quality proteins - they contain all the essential amino acids and are very filling. A study conducted by the Saint Louis University in the United States showed that eating eggs for breakfast increased fullness and led to lesser calorie intake in the next 26 hours.
2. Oats
Oats are packed with fiber and fairly low in calories. Oats have the ability to soak up water because of a type of soluble fiber it contains called beta-glucan, which makes them very filling. This is probably why it is often recommended to have oats for breakfast to keep you fueled and energized until lunch. Some studies also indicate that it may release satiety hormones and delay emptying the stomach.(Also read: Why You Must Eat Oats for Breakfast)

Soaked raisins in oats; Photo Credit: IStock
3. Legumes
Legumes such as beans, peas and lentils are loaded with fiber and plant-based protein. They also have low energy density, which means you can have satisfying portions of these foods and still keep your calorie intake for the day low. The National Institute of Nutrition recommends that you must have a cup of pulses for lunch and dinner as part of a balanced diet.
4. Cottage Cheese
Cottage cheese is low in fats and carbohydrates. Its high protein content keeps you full. Cottage cheese can easily be a part of your weight loss diet. Increasing your protein intake helps to preserve muscle while you lose the fat. Muscle tends to burn more calories than fat and this helps in regulating your metabolism.(Also read: How to Make Paneer at Home)

Cottage cheese is low in fats and carbohydrates
5. Quinoa
This nutritious South American grain is now readily grown and available in India and is packed with protein. Protein is digested slowly and it releases energy over a period of time avoiding the need to reach out for that guilty snack. This versatile grain can be incorporated in any meal - with your cereal for breakfast, as an accompaniment to curry or dal or a simple salad for supper.
6. Boiled Potatoes
Not all carbohydrates are bad. Potatoes provide good carbohydrates in the form of resistant starch, which keeps you full. They are great energizers. Potatoes also contain enzyme inhibitors, which may curb your appetite.

Potatoes provide good carbohydrates in the form of resistant starch
7. Fish
Fish have a higher score on the Satiety Index than other protein-rich foods like chicken and eggs. They are rich in essential omega-3 fatty acids that one needs to derive from food. These are the healthy fats that your body needs.

Fish have a higher score on the Satiety Index than other protein-rich foods; Image credit: Istock
Take Home Message
The three key factors that determine the satiety of a food item are protein, fiber and energy density. Including these wholesome foods in your day-to-day diet can certainly help in keeping you in shape in the long run and prevent unnecessary cravings for fatty, sugary or salty foods.