Does Meat Take Days to Digest?
We all are aware that meat is highly rich in proteins and fats. Fats and proteins do take time to digest as compared to others. According to the book Diet & Nutrition, A Holistic Approach by Rudolph Ballentine, while protein rich food may require a considerable time to digest in the stomach and small intestine, it is fat that slows the digestion process most. Fats and oils are relatively complex molecules that delay the emptying of the stomach more than any other food. Animal products including meat, dairy and eggs ideally contain higher amounts of fats that any fruit or vegetable.(Also read: 5 Food Combinations That Can Hinder Digestion)

What Can You Do to Boost Your Digestion After a Hearty Meat Meal!
1. Chew Multiple Times
It is imperative to chew your food multiple times to mechanically help them break down and release gastric acid secretions in your stomach. This will make the stomach environment a lot more acidic, further helping to digest meat faster.
2. Eat a Few Pineapple Pieces
Eat a few pieces of pineapple before or during your protein rich meat meal. This fruit contains natural enzyme called bromelain, which further helps to break down the bonds between proteins, helping them to digest better.
3. Eat Papaya
Similarly, you can also eat papaya that contains enzyme compound called papain that facilitates digestion of protein. This fruit will also help avoid bloating and indigestion.

Best way to aid digestion for meat is to add probiotics like yogurt and kefir to your meal. Probiotics are a wonderful source of friendly bacteria that help aid digestion.
5. Make Low-Fat meats Your Staple
Rather than choosing high-fat meat, choose low-fat one. While eating it in moderation is a wise step, you must also choose a healthier diet. Needless to say, low fat meats will make the digestion easy and fast.
6. Marination Makes a Lot of Difference
One of the best ways to help meat digest faster is to marinade with acid (like vinegar) containing food overnight. The overnight acid marinating will ensure breaking down of proteins, further increasing its digestibility.
(Also read: How to Make Mutton Soft and Tender)