You may have heard of foods that have a high satiety value, those that keep you full for longer and also those that tend to suppress your appetite. But, some foods have a rather opposite effect. These tend to make you feel hungrier after you eat them. Therefore, it is important to know what these foods are and how they affect your hunger, especially if you are on a weight loss mission. You may have come across a situation where you feel stuffed after you meal but within half an hour find yourself looking through kitchen cabinets, hunting for something to snack on. If this happens to you frequently, here are five foods that you must try and avoid.1. JuicesWhile juices are thought to be a great part of your weight loss diet and also keep you hydrated, they may actually end up making you binge on more food than your body requires. Juices are high in sugar which is digested very quickly and low in fat, fiber and protein - all the three essential nutrients that make you feel full. The high concentrated sugar in juices spikes up your blood sugar levels temporarily, leading to a sudden crash within sometime, which cause you to feel hungry again.
(Also read: Vegetable Versus Fruit Juices - Which One is Better?)

2. Salty snacksWhile it is hard to let go of a packet of chips, you must get your facts right. Too much sodium in your body, makes you more thirsty as sodium is known to draw moisture from the food you eat. Your body often tends to confuse thirst with hunger, tricking your body to ask for more food instead of simply reaching out for a glass of water. The result will be that you will end up eating more and still be dissatisfied
Too much salt in your body makes you more thirsty
3. AlcoholMost of us crave something heavy and delicious after a night of binge drinking. The need for food after drinking alcohol is not just psychological but it has a scientific reason too. Alcohol is not stored in your body and while eliminating it, your body uses up a great amount of the stored glucose which makes you hungrier. Some studies have also shown that alcohol consumption switches the brain into starvation mode, thus increasing your appetite.
Some studies have also shown that alcohol consumption switches the brain into starvation mode
4. CheeseIn her book, The Vegiterranean Diet and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition, author Julieanna Hever explains that humans tend to have an opiate-like response to casein (a type of protein), found in milk. Since cheese is a concentrated form of milk, it tends to produce a similar effect. Moreover, the combination of fat and high salt makes it even more addictive. The more you eat, the more your cravings will be.
Combination of fat and high salt makes cheese even more addictive
5. Egg whitesWhile there's nothing unhealthy about egg white and a lot of people switch to them to avoid the fat in the yolk, egg whites for breakfast can actually leave you hungrier for lunch. Egg whites are a good source of protein, but they lack the fats, vitamins and minerals that increase satiety. So, even if you are dieting, it is suggested to eat a complete egg to prevent overeating later and adding unnecessary calories to your day.
Egg whites for breakfast can actually leave you hungrier for lunch
You must always remember that eating small bites, always tends to boost your appetite than mellow it down. The same will be the effect if you eat very quickly. Take your time to enjoy your food and chew properly to make sure that you are completely satisfied with your meal.
(Also read: Vegetable Versus Fruit Juices - Which One is Better?)

The high concentrated sugar in juices spikes up your blood sugar levels. Photo Credit: Istock
2. Salty snacksWhile it is hard to let go of a packet of chips, you must get your facts right. Too much sodium in your body, makes you more thirsty as sodium is known to draw moisture from the food you eat. Your body often tends to confuse thirst with hunger, tricking your body to ask for more food instead of simply reaching out for a glass of water. The result will be that you will end up eating more and still be dissatisfied

3. AlcoholMost of us crave something heavy and delicious after a night of binge drinking. The need for food after drinking alcohol is not just psychological but it has a scientific reason too. Alcohol is not stored in your body and while eliminating it, your body uses up a great amount of the stored glucose which makes you hungrier. Some studies have also shown that alcohol consumption switches the brain into starvation mode, thus increasing your appetite.

4. CheeseIn her book, The Vegiterranean Diet and The Complete Idiot's Guide to Plant-Based Nutrition, author Julieanna Hever explains that humans tend to have an opiate-like response to casein (a type of protein), found in milk. Since cheese is a concentrated form of milk, it tends to produce a similar effect. Moreover, the combination of fat and high salt makes it even more addictive. The more you eat, the more your cravings will be.

5. Egg whitesWhile there's nothing unhealthy about egg white and a lot of people switch to them to avoid the fat in the yolk, egg whites for breakfast can actually leave you hungrier for lunch. Egg whites are a good source of protein, but they lack the fats, vitamins and minerals that increase satiety. So, even if you are dieting, it is suggested to eat a complete egg to prevent overeating later and adding unnecessary calories to your day.

You must always remember that eating small bites, always tends to boost your appetite than mellow it down. The same will be the effect if you eat very quickly. Take your time to enjoy your food and chew properly to make sure that you are completely satisfied with your meal.