Usually, while shopping one tends to eat a lot of fatty foods like chips, crisps, cookies, etc, simply because these are available everywhere; cheap and easy to eat mid-shopping. But it's not a very good habit, especially if you're trying to lose weight and/or maintain a healthy diet. So here are a few healthy snacks for when you need to 'shop till you drop':
1. Roasted Nuts
Take a cup of walnuts, almonds, cashews and pistachios and dry-roast them on a non-stick pan for some time. Keep them aside to cool and pack them up in an air-tight box to munch on them on-the-go! (5 Best Nuts To Consume While On A Weight Loss Journey)
2. Roasted Flaxseeds or Sunflower Seeds
Flaxseeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds are some of the healthiest snacks out there. Seeds are satiating, fulfilling, all-natural and extremely nutritious. They give you the necessary energy boost and keep you full for longer, without feeling guilty.
3. Healthy Baked Fruit/Veggie Chips
Vegetables like beetroot or chukundar and sweet potato or shakarkandi can be easily baked into chips that can be carried around as healthy snacks. Same goes with fruits like apple and banana. However, beware of packaged banana chips that are available everywhere, as these are packed with excessive amounts of salt.

Don't fall prey to fatty foods. Snack healthy while shopping.
4. Home-made Snack/Protein Bars
Protein or granola bars made at home from oats, dried fruits, berries and nuts are the perfect snacking foods for your shopping sprees. They're power packed and devoid of any unhealthy sugars or preservatives and hence, keep you from straying from your diet.
5. No-Salt Popcorn
Pop yourselves some healthy popcorn without butter or salt and your shopping snack is ready! It's healthy and delicious and doesn't leave you craving for something sugary or salty.
Besides these, a snack of cut fruits and vegetables boxed up in air-tight containers in also another healthy snacking option. But make sure your containers aren't leaky. So the next time you have to spend an entire day at a mall, make sure you carry these healthy snacks to keep you from falling prey to those fatty culprits calling you from all around!